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iCS Newsletter
APRIL 2024
The National Congress approves the National Policy for Air Quality
In March, the Federal Senate approved Bill 3027/2022, which was the result of intense work by iCS and partners that began eight years ago. Now all that is needed is the presidential sanction to become law
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Regulation of cattle breeding in MAPA
Associations of producers, exporters and civil society, such as Imaflora and the Brazilian Coalition on Climate, Forests and Agriculture, have submitted a proposal of mandatory individual traceability to the ministry

Credit: Rick Oliveira | Imaflora
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Plano Safra 2024/2025 receives recommendations from civil society
With support from iCS, Agroicone and the Brazilian Coalition on Climate, Forests and Agriculture have sent recommendations for the management of the socioenvironmental and climate risk in the agricultural policy
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PGTAs play a leading role in a seminar organized by Coiab
With the support of iCS, the meeting brought together Amazonian leaders to, among other issues, present implementations of the Environmental Territorial Management Plans for Indigenous Lands

Credit: @anderson.arapaco
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Creation of a seed network for forest restoration
Workshop held in Pará discussed strategies for the recovery of the territory and a state plan for the region

Credit: Disclosure
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Research points to a lack of transparency in Brazil when the subject is deforestation
Research carried out by the Center of Life Institute shows that almost 50% of the states in the country disclose, at most, insufficient data for the identification of illegal deforestation

Credit: Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay
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Carbon credit projects are mapped in Brazil
A new tool, developed by Idesam with support from iCS, is the only one to present all the available information with respect to certified carbon credits in the voluntary market

Credit: Painel de Carbono Florestal
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Urban food agenda at LUPPA Lab
Third edition of the laboratory organized by the Food of Tomorrow Institute, with support from iCS, brings together more than 100 municipal managers to discuss the urban food agenda
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Reduction of emissions in industrial production
E+ Institute defends the concentration of supply chains in countries with lower rates of greenhouse gas emissions in industrial production and closer to consumer markets

Credit: Linkedin do Instituto E+
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Green industrialization in Brazil
For the literature on the topic, the conceptualization of the green industry is comprehensive from an environmental point of view; for the actors who work on a daily basis, it is more focused on decarbonization
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Socioenvironmental safeguards for communities in areas of wind farms
Between February and March, a series of meetings in Brasília and also in the Northeast marked the presentation of a document that shows the impacts of wind farms on communities
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iCS and United Kingdom partnership
British government announces, in an event co-organized with iCS, new technical and financial support for the transition towards a low carbon economy in Brazil
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Duration: 18 months
Goals: Climate Policy
Purpose of the grant: To support legal institutions and civil society organizations in developing strategies to tackle illegal deforestation and protect the rights of indigenous peoples and traditional communities in the Legal Amazon. The project aims to generate evidence to support strategic legal actions and counter illegal activities within production chains.
Lab OC
Duration: 24 months
Goals: Climate Policy
Purpose of the grant: To strengthen the OC and through its network: (i) rebuild and propose new and more ambitious climate policies; (ii) engage and stop setbacks in Congress; (iii) engage key political and civil society actors; (iv) promote a coalition focused on bringing together national and international social movements at COP 30; and (v) influence the international arena - COPs, G-20 and anti-deforestation regulations.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Energy
Purpose of the grant: Promote low carbon urban mobility combined with adaptation to climate change in the municipalities of "Baixada Fluminense" in Rio de Janeiro State. The core activity is to mobilize community leaders, in these municipalities, for them to demand from municipal decision makers proper mobility policites, that combines low carbon technologies, public security and universal access to mobility.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: UTSAS
Purpose of the grant: Facing a perfect storm is the current situation in the Amazon, with a low productive and informal economy, gaps on social progress, conflicts and uncertainties about land rights. The Amazon 2030 will contribute with guidelines for the region's development through research in three strategic areas of the forest-based economy: forest management, energy and social progress.
14, General Dionísio Street - Humaitá
Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brazil
+55 (21) 3197-6580

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