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iCS Newsletter
Blended Finance in Brazil
iCS publishes regulatory recommendations to support the advance of the agenda in Brazil. In total, eight questions are addressed, with potential solutions and opportunities
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Organizations ask Lula to give priority to the climate agenda at the G20
Published by El Pais, the letter delivered to the president, by institutions from Latin America and the Caribbean, suggests at least six commitments to be worked on by the Brazilian leadership

Amazon / Credits: @LeoSanchez2011 / Creative Commons
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Changes in land use account for 48% of Brazilian emissions
The data is from the latest report published by SEEG, with the support of iCS, which shows the characteristics of greenhouse gas emissions in Brazil in 2022
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Heatwaves and pollution in Maré
A survey carried out by the Redes da Maré in 16 favelas shows that there is a difference of up to 2 ºC in temperature between the regions of the complex
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Amazon footprints
An application includes two new missions, with support from iCS, to expand the management of family economy projects, in a key region of biodiversity of Amazonas
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Future of the Brazilian electric sector
According to the technical coordinator of the E+ Energy Transition Institute, demand side management will be fundamental, with the final consumption adjusted to the conditions of the sector

Image: Taken from the LinkedIn of E+
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The O Joio e o Trigo podcast wins a human rights award
The first episode of the special series “The fierce and the enchanted,” which narrates the path of how the leaders of the Pareci people came to be in favor of agribusiness, was responsible for the victory
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New recognition for LUPPA
Ipes-Food, an international panel of experts regarding the transition to sustainable food systems, cites the Laboratory as an important example of the promotion of the subject in the cities
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Preparation of journalists for COP 28
In two online meetings with experts on fundamental topics for the climate debate, iCS has been providing training for press and communication professionals about the Dubai COP
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Climate justice from the perspective of whiteness
A grantee organization of iCS holds an event to talk about climate justice from the point of view of those who cause socioenvironmental problems, and not those who suffer them

Photo: Whiteness Observatory
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Duration: 6 months
Goals: Land Use
Purpose of the grant: To continue the improvement of PRODES and DETER systems, supporting the transition of INPE's Amazon deforestation monitoring system based on visual interpretation of images by classification algorithms based on “big data” combined with further review by experts.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Climate Policy
Purpose of the grant: To support the organization of the Brazilian Conference on Climate Change (CBMC) 2023. The project also supports deliverables resulting from the Conference and that could impact the construction of climate policies in the long term, such as proposals for the construction of a federative climate pact.
Duration: 18 months
Goals: Land Use
Purpose of the grant: To strengthen grassroots organizations in the Tapajós-Arapiuns Extractive Reserve in Pará, facilitate digital inclusion, and enhance territorial monitoring, as well as to train leaders for more effective engagement in socio-biodiversity businees. Additionally, there is an institutional strengthening component aimed at advancing the implementation of the new strategic plan.
SOS Amazônia
Duration: 18 months
Goals: Land Use
Purpose of the grant: To monitor public environmental policies in Acre, especially those aimed at Conservation Units, in order to generate knowledge and promote better collective advocacy in different governance spaces. In addition to encouraging engagement with local organizations, carrying out leadership training activities and improving the observatory's communication materials.
Duration: 18 months
Goals: Land Use
Purpose of the grant: To strengthen the political advocacy of the quilombola movement in order to speed up the titling, to improve the environmental and territorial management, to contribute to the training and mobilization of leaders, and carry out a survey on the potential of socio-biodiversity in the state of Tocantins.
Duration: 3 months
Goals: Comms & Eng
Purpose of the grant: To develop strategic planning for the Ecoprophetic Amazon Defense Network (REDA) for 2024, focusing on articulation, mobilization, campaign, advocacy and social participation tactics aimed at building climate public policies in the Amazon territory, as well as building a REDA's impact and results monitoring system and a fundraising plan.
Duration: 4 months
Goals: Comms & Eng
Purpose of the grant: To systematize the learning obtained throughout the year in relation to the process of education and training of urban activists on cities, climate and the Amazon in nine capitals of the country, seeking to identify the main points of action necessary to be planned in each territory for the action of communication and campaign with these activists next year, thus building the 2024 plan.
Duration: 24 months
Goals: Watchdogate
Purpose of the grant: To monitor and disclose subsidies for fossil fuels and renewable energies. To consolidate INESC's subsidy calculation methodology based on public and transparent data sources. To communicate the results strategically through advocacy actions with decision-makers and in Congress.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Land Use
Purpose of the grant: To subsidize small farmers in implementing low-carbon practices and ensure their effective participation in the reshaping of climate policies - NDC and Adaptation Plan. To achieve this, the project will have two fronts, one focused on influencing national climate policies and the other on institutional strengthening and the construction of sustainable agricultural experiences in the Amazon.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Climate Policy
Purpose of the grant: To support the development of plans and projects for mitigation and adaptation in subnational governments. The CBC will support state governments and the Green Brazil Consortium in the development of plans and projects that deepen the implementation of mitigation and adaptation actions in the Brazilian territory. The project will help transform states into successful cases to be replicated.
Duration: 7 months
Goals: Traceability
Purpose of the grant: To work towards the advancement of a public system for environmental traceability of meat that informs consumers about the origin, and to regulate alternative proteins in Brazil that meet transparency and health criteria. Efforts will be directed towards the National Congress for Bill 1585/22, the Federal Executive, and CONSEA, in addition to public communication and engagement campaigns.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Law and Climate
Purpose of the grant: To analyse the climate impacts of legislative proposals currently in Congress that weaken the territorial rights of indigenous peoples, and changes in the forest legislation of Roraima. The project will also contribute to anti-deforestation efforts led by the Federal Public Ministry (MPF) and civil society organizations by quantifying the climate damages resulting from illegal deforestation.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Energy
Purpose of the grant: Scale up and promote the Efficient Cities Program nationally, aiming for the reproducibility of projects on public buildings' energy, water and gas consumption management at Florianópolis and Rio de Janeiro cities. Promote low-carbon public procurement nationally.
14, General Dionísio Street - Humaitá
Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brazil
+55 (21) 3197-6580

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