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iCS Newsletter
iCS and partners at COP 28
Agreements at the conference in Dubai produce developments for the climate agenda in Brazil

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Forest peoples have a leading role in the public notice
Registration is now open for the Call for Resilient Amazon Projects, which will support 34 projects in Brazil in 9 states of the Legal Amazon
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Invitation to contribute to Think20 (T20)
The engagement group of the G20 is responsible for the proposition of public policies that will be analyzed by the nations that compose the Group. Civil entities are invited to participate in the process
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New energy efficiency standards for refrigerators in Brazil come into force
Measure adopted by the government guarantees that new refrigerators will have a lower impact on the environment and on energy bills

Frame of the report by TV Globo
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Traceability on the way
Imaflora, an iCS grantee, presented, alongside partners from the Brazilian Roundtable of Sustainable Livestock, a public policy plan to track the meat chain in the country

Image by Philippe Ramakers by Pixabay
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7 out of 10 Brazilians have already experienced an extreme weather event
Data comes from exclusive research by the Pólis Institute and IPEC, carried out with support from iCS, which also shows: most interviewees are worried about the future
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The most striking face of climate change
Extreme events marked 2023 in Brazil and around the world. In an interview with El País, Maria Netto, the executive director of iCS, believes that there are less noticeable impacts, such as in agriculture

Antonio Cruz/ABr - Commons Wikimedia
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Txai and Neidinha Suruí: Fantastic Women
Indigenous activists and leaders and iCS grantees were featured in a section of Fantástico, a documentary program by TV Globo that spoke about their struggles and activities in all Brazil

Photo taken from a frame of the report
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Agroforestry dialogues
The Belterra Institute organized 12 webinars on topics such as forest restoration, business models and attracting investments to define positive socioenvironmental impacts

Credit: Belterra Disclosure
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End of the world auction
The Arayara Institute leads studies, diagnoses and mobilizations against the largest oil and gas auction ever held in Brazil, and manages, alongside partners, to significantly reduce the negative impacts

Credit: Disclosure
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Action against energy projects with a high social and climate impact
The National Front of Energy Consumers positions itself with the government and the press against “jabutis” in a Bill for the regulation of offshore wind farms and billion-dollar PCS contracts
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Duration: 12 months
Goals: Climate Policy
Purpose of the grant: To strengthen the Mixed Environmentalist Parliamentary Front and its Climate Working Group. This support seeks to build qualified spaces for climate-related debate within the Brazilian Congress and Senate and raise de ambition and quality of climate legislations.
Duration: 8 months
Goals: Climate Policy
Purpose of the grant: To support for the institutional development of the International Youth Observatory (OIJ) and the implementation of the Favela.LAB project. The project aims to empower young leaders from favelas and marginalized areas to participate in climate discussions. This support will also enable the OIJ to contribute to the development of federal climate policies, such as the update of the PNMC and the PNA.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Climate Policy
Purpose of the grant: Support female mayors of medium and small cities in the development of mitigation and adaptation policies and projects. The project includes the development and distribution of knowledge packages that allow municipalities to develop their own local assessments and policies, a survey of demand for climate finance and support for participation in events.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Land Use
Purpose of the grant: To develop a set of recommendations for enhancing public policies that facilitate the transition of small-scale livestock farmers in the Amazon to more sustainable practices aligned with forest conservation. To accomplish this, an extensive georeferenced mapping of the farmers' profiles and the effectiveness of policies directed towards them will be conducted.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Land Use
Purpose of the grant: To expand the availability of agroecological food at COP 30, produced by local farmers and distributed through local producer networks. This will be pursued by strengthening local agroecological producer networks and collaborating with decision-makers at UNFCCC, federal, state, and municipal governments to meet the COP's demand through these networks.
Duration: 16 months
Goals: Comms & Engag
Purpose of the grant: To foster the sanitation agenda alongside climate adaptation policies, mainly in the Amazon, this project aims to work on the importance of urban rivers for climate action measures, mainly in the context of legacy opportunities towards COP-30. The project aims to strengthen participation and mobilize public opinion to be at the center of this debate.
Duration: 15 months
Goals: Comms & Engag
Purpose of the grant: Establish a front to mobilize communities in the Carajás Corridor in the face of socio-environmental and climate impacts. To promote local development and create opportunities that stimulate the potential for quality of life, the project aims to promote the protagonism of community actors, especially young people and women, empowered to act and influence impact campaigns and public engagement.
Duration: 9 months
Goals: Comms & Engag
Purpose of the grant: Foster and organize a Catholic-based movement in Brazil, through strengthening the Laudato Sí Movement, to amplify voices and the strength of the Catholic segment’s actions in defense of environmental causes and combating climate change.
Duration: 16 months
Goals: Comms & Engag
Purpose of the grant: This project seeks to stimulate the creation of tactical spaces for action, learning, and political awareness in Altamira (PA) and the region, to strengthen citizen participation and the (re)establishment of community ties as territorial protection strategies, stimulate well-being and to achieve human and environmental rights, in a context of intensifying climate crisis.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Comms & Engag
Purpose of the grant: Engage, mobilize, train and organize young people on the outskirts of the São Paulo region to work with communication and engagement strategies on the climate and anti-racist agenda, to build a network of young people active in the climate justice agenda focused on mobilizing young people to participate in major events that will take place in Brazil.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Forest Code
Purpose of the grant: Promoting advocacy actions to strengthen the regulatory framework aimed at protecting native vegetation and enhance the success potential of legal actions related to the Forest Code, by providing technical information to support lawmakers' decisions and drive positive proposals in Congress, while also fostering more informed engagement from the Judiciary.
Duration: 15 months
Goals: Traceability
Purpose of the grant: To contribute to the construction of public adaptation policies that adhere to fundamental rights and improve supervision and monitoring of climate risk management and disclosure rules in the financial system and capital markets, through technical and legal proposals addressed to the government, oversight bodies (Central Bank and Stocks Exchange Commission) and market participants.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Bioeconomy
Purpose of the grant: Map strategic RD&I areas for the development of a new renewable-based production sector in the Amazon and Northeast of Brazil. Engage the innovation ecosystem to mobilize capital for the technological densification of these regions. Train and engage local civil society entities to develop technological solutions to local problems.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Forest Code
Purpose of the grant: To enhance the training of community-based legal advisors for their involvement with indigenous peoples and traditional communities in the Tapajós region, Western Pará, with a focus on carbon credits and climate justice. The project will aid in organizing workshops for communities interested in this subject and in creating content related to contractual justice in carbon credit projects.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Renewables
Purpose of the grant: To identify and evaluate the benefits of installing distributed solar generation systems in an agrarian reform settlement, considering the impacts of increased energy security on the community's water, food and socio-environmental securities. The Nexus+ approach will be used to identify synergies and trade-offs and to base public policy proposals.
Duration: 10 months
Goals: Industry
Purpose of the grant: Contribute for a national circularity strategy integrated into the decarbonization and just transition agenda of Brazilian industry, focusing on the steel and mining chains, through an unprecedented study on circularity strategies in industrial decarbonization plans, and possibilities for adoption in the Brazil from the engagement and perception of key actors from the sector.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Renewables
Purpose of the grant: To resume the implementation of fast internet systems in Amazonian communities (indigenous, quilombolas, extractivists), aiming to have 800 communities connected by 2024. The project promotes: 1) fast internet infrastructure (>100 Mbps) and solar energy, if necessary; 2) community control over access; 3) digital inclusion. This support is complementar of other funders.
Duration: 17 months
Goals: Agents
Purpose of the grant: To strengthen the effective participation of family farming in the process of defining Brazil's Nationally Determined Contribution and Adaptation Plan, as well as in other important spaces for deliberations on the climate agenda, such as the Amazon Fund Steering Committee and National Environment Council.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Civic Engagement
Purpose of the grant: To develop community articulation work in the peripheral regions in which Portal Favelas operates, seeking to train young communicators from these regions and through this use the organization's communication channels (Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and website) to disseminate content about climate and inequalities, as well as promoting psychosocial care in these territories.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Climate Policy
Purpose of the grant: Support the reconstruction of the Brazilian Climate Change Forum as an institution for civil society participation in the construction of robust and implementable climate policies. The project will allow for the hiring of an FBMC operating nucleus, the creation of Thematic Chambers, their operation and the delivery of concrete contributions from its members to update the PNMC, NDC and others.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Watchdog
Purpose of the grant: To analyze the impacts and opportunities of the entry into force of the EUDR, which prohibits the import of products linked to deforestation in countries with tropical forests. The project will compare Brazil's legal framework vis-à-vis the requirements of the EUDR, map conflict resolution mechanisms and ppropose policy recommendations for public and private agents.
14, General Dionísio Street - Humaitá
Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brazil
+55 (21) 3197-6580

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