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iCS Newsletter
JULY 2024
F20 Climate Solutions Forum debates the paths of philanthropy of the Global South
Organized by F20 in partnership with the Institute for Climate and Society, the Avina Foundation and GIFE, the event was held on June 4 and 5, in Rio de Janeiro

Photo: RT FOTOGRAFIA / Disclosure F20 / CSF
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Bonn, in Germany, initiates COP 29 with representatives from Brazilian civil society
With support from iCS, indigenous peoples from the Amazon were in the Brazilian delegation at the event that precedes the Climate Summit negotiations

Photo: Disclosure/iCS
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LACLIMA launches an educational publication about climate finance
With support from iCS, the publication of the series “Technical Notes about the Paris Agreement” delves deeper into the Financial Mechanism of the UNFCCC

Photo: Reproduction
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Real world simulation - the experience of an international climate negotiation
Representatives from several civil society organizations participated in a new stage of the simulation aimed at COP30, which will take place in Belém (PA) in 2025

Photo: FGVces/LinkedIn
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Observatory for the public forests
The objective of the initiative is to allow civil society to monitor the protection of the public forests of the Amazon

Photo: Website/Public Forest Observatory
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Payment for Environmental Services: many opportunities and some challenges
A meeting in Manaus (AM) was attended by iCS, alongside representatives from civil society and the public and private sectors, including the Ministry of the Environment

Photo: Disclosure
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Eco-prophecy for the climate emergency
An initiative by the Casa Galileia seeks to train religious people from Amazonas, Pará, Mato Grosso and Maranhão about issues related to climate change

Photo: Website/Casa Galileia
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ISER publishes a new survey about the relationship of Christianity with climate narratives
More than 80% of Evangelicals believe that the government is mainly responsible for solving the problems related to the environment, says the study

Photo: Reproduction/ISER website
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A publication by the Renewable Energy Forum evaluates the impact of a hydroelectric power plant in the State
The work provides technical studies and evaluations by experts in relation to the project power plant

Photograph: Reproduction/Website
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A seminar debates the just energy transition on World Environment Day
Organized by iCS, DIEESE and FUP, the event brought together oil workers and representatives from various sectors in Rio de Janeiro

Photos: Reproduction/FUP Website
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The Northeast receives new solar energy installations
The initiative seeks to integrate energy, water, food and socioenvironmental security to the Lab SOLar project, in the Xingó region

Reproduction: CentroXingo/Instagram
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30% of the poorest Brazilians stop buying food to pay for electricity bills
A survey by Ipec, carried out at the request of Pólis Institute with support from iCS, shows that 36% of families spend half of their monthly income on electricity

Credit: Pixabay
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Duration: 10 months
Areas of Work: Energy, industrial and transport transition
Purpose of the grant: Structure think tank focusing on critical minerals and climate in Brazil. Monitor the political-regulatory environment, as well as investments and extraction and processing activities of critical minerals in Brazil, including new projects and their consequences in terms of their socio-environmental impacts, and opportunities to advance concrete public policies.
Duration: 18 months
Areas of Work: Agents of change for climate action
Purpose of the grant: To drive actions in four main axes: (i) engagement of the private sector in ecological transition debates and actions; (ii) adoption and implementation of corporate transition plans aligned with science and decarbonization strategies; (iii) active participation in climate policy and carbon market; (iv) contributions to the National Traceability System developed by MAPA.
Duration: 12 months
Areas of Work: Energy, industrial and transport transition
Purpose of the grant: To draw a roadmap for the energy transition on cargo by shipping, plane and long distance trucks.
Duration: 18 months
Areas of Work: Energy, industrial and transport transition
Purpose of the grant: To strengthen and qualify the mobilisation of workers in the national coal and oil and gas industries for a just energy transition in Brazil, promoting their leading role in the process.
Duration: 18 months
Areas of Work: Energy, industrial and transport transition
Purpose of the grant: Promoting the modernisation of the Brazilian Electricity Sector and the advancement of renewable generation technologies through advocacy in the Federal Government, the National Congress and the sector's institutions.
Duration: 14 months
Areas of Work: Agents of change for climate action
Purpose of the grant: To strengthen the climate agenda, promote sustainable socio-productive systems, and protect river basins in the Amazon, the project aims to support the production of data and mobilization of agents (such as youth) that boost social engagement and influence public policies, repositioning social participation as a strategic factor for implementing these agendas.
Duration: 18 months
Areas of Work: Energy, industrial and transport transition
Purpose of the grant: To set up the Observatory for the Just Energy Transition of the Oil and Gas Sector, a permanent platform to monitor the transition process of the Brazilian O&G sector and of the companies that operate in it. The tool aims to fill a gap in public data, information and specialised analyses on the sector, and will be the basis for qualified advocacy in the debate on the transition from fossil fuels.
Duration: 12 months
Areas of Work: Energy, industrial and transport transition
Purpose of the grant: Contribute to the formulation of public policies to promote powershoring in Brazil through the mapping of technologies for the production of alternative biofuels, the assessment of technical and economic viability of technological routes for decarbonization of the steel industry, and the identification of opportunities for developing technology-based businesses in wind and solar chains.
Duration: 12 months
Areas of Work: Climate policy and institutional framework
Purpose of the grant: To develop research and legal analyzes to support the formulation and improvement of public policies that are key for the Brazilian transition to a net-zero economy and for the promotion of climate justice, including industrial policies, sustainable finance instruments and mechanisms for access to justice for communities affected by extreme climate events.
Duration: 18 months
Areas of Work: Agents of change for climate action
Purpose of the grant: To advance climate ambition in relation to the adaptation and vulnerability reduction agenda in light of Brazil's inequalities, this project will promote scientific and technical studies and communications that could contribute to Brazilian commitments to the NDCs (2025 and 2030) and to the capacity building of stakeholders to formulate intersectional policies with real impact.
Duration: 18 months
Areas of Work: Agents of change for climate action
Purpose of the grant: To strengthen the capacity of the Amazon ecosystem to generate and apply evidence in climate adaptation policies, this project proposes an agenda that aims to increase awareness and engagement of the local community and influence climate policies in national and international forums, involving research, training, engagement and mobilization actions towards COP 30.
Duration: 10 months
Areas of Work: Climate policy and institutional framework
Purpose of the grant: To strengthen the coordination between the different bodies responsible for combating environmental and related crimes in the Amazon, through the improvement of multisectoral governance and public security policies. The project includes research and advocacy on illegalities in the meat and timber chains and regional cooperation against transnational illicit activities.
Duration: 14 months
Areas of Work: Agents of change for climate action
Purpose of the grant: To promote social participation and advocacy around the Climate Adaptation Plan of Amapa, with the leadership of black communities in the state, the project aims to promote the creation of a technical framework on the agenda, multiplying community involvement and the creation of narratives and technologies that strengthen anti-racist repertoires in environmental and climate public policies.
Duration: 12 months
Areas of Work: Agents of change for climate action
Purpose of the grant: To amplify the narratives of the climate agenda in the territorial multiplicities of Amapá and the Amazon, this project will strengthen community mobilization, mainly through young people, political monitoring and the construction of participatory methodologies, with artivism as the main tool for climate action.
Duration: 24 months
Areas of Work: Agents of change for climate action
Purpose of the grant: Creation of a Climate Finance Hub to engage the financial sector, develop technical material, analyze corporate and sectoral transition plans, and disseminate climate-related financial information. The implementation comprises 4 fronts: 1) Organization and Governance; 2) Local Capacity Building; 3) Analysis of Corporate Climate Transition; and 4) Local and Global Engagement.
Duration: 3 months
Areas of Work: Agents of change for climate action
Purpose of the grant: To enable the participation of Amazonian leaders and their influence in decision-making spaces on the global climate agenda, this proposal will support the presence of key organizations from the Amazon climate ecosystem at the 2024 SBs Meetings in Bonn and the XI Pan-Amazonian Social Forum.
Duration: 2 months
Areas of Work: Agents of change for climate action
Purpose of the grant: To enable the participation of youth Amazonian leaders and their influence in decision-making spaces on the global climate agenda, this proposal will support the presence of young leaders from key organizations from the Amazon climate ecosystem at the 2024 SBs Meetings in Bonn and the XI Pan-Amazonian Social Forum.
Duration: 12 months
Areas of Work: Agents of change for climate action
Purpose of the grant: To strengthen the advocacy capabilities of local civil society in Belém and increase awareness of the climate agenda towards COP-30, this project aims to promote the engagement of the populations of the Jurunas neighbourhood through artivism and culture, multiplying good practices of climate resilience to promote a sustainable agenda with lasting impact in the region.
Duration: 12 months
Areas of Work: Agents of change for climate action
Purpose of the grant: This project aims to activate a series of decentralized events to promote participation and involve society in debates, especially the peripheral populations of Belem. To discuss the impacts of the climate crisis in the urban context and obtain a vision of post-COP-30 legacies, the project seeks to convert public engagement into impactful actions.
Duration: 9 months
Areas of Work: Energy, industrial and transport transition
Purpose of the grant: Develop policy briefs, conduct interviews, and coordinate debates to engage stakeholders in the formulation of public policies regarding regulated emissions trading systems and carbon border adjustment mechanisms (CBAMs) to promote the decarbonization and competitiveness of the Brazilian economy.
Duration: 12 months
Areas of Work: Climate policy and institutional framework
Purpose of the grant: To coordinate with managers of sovereign wealth funds (public funds that receive resources from oil royalties, mining, among other services) so that the resources are used to finance climate projects. The project will unfold into articles, studies, meetings with public and private managers
14, General Dionísio Street - Humaitá
Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brazil
+55 (21) 3197-6580

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