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iCS Newsletter
JUNE 2024
Program for the training of skills for civil society participation in international negotiations about the climate
Carried out by iCS and the Center for Studies in Sustainability at FGV EAESP (FGVces), the initiative involved 40 iCS grantees, partners of the Institute, participating in the event.

Photo: Guilherme Horta/FGVces
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Sustainable Favela Network presents solutions at the National Congress
A delegation of 26 people participated in the World Energy Week to show the deputies and senators the real situation of the access and quality of energy in the favelas

Photo: Disclosure/Sustainable Favela Network
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Social dimension of the energy transition
iCS grantees are guests at a parallel event to the G20 to address social issues and human rights in energy production

Credit: Matthew Henry / Unsplash
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When climate change meets human rights
iCS co-organized parallel events to the public hearing of the IACHR in Manaus (AM) to talk about climate justice and redress

Credit: Disclosure
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“The Elders” discusses climate justice with Brazilian youth in São Paulo
The event was organized by LACLIMA and Cebri with leaders from a group founded by Nelson Mandela

Photo: Joel Rocha
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The Democracy and Sustainability Institute debates governance of the municipalities on the local economy
The online seminar aims to provide solutions for a greener economy in municipalities

Photo: Reproduction
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Workshop about using data analysis to combat deforestation in the Amazon
Meeting examined how the combination of science and law can catalyze the accountability for unlawful acts in the Amazon

Photo: Levi Tapuia and André Silva
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J20 debates topics such as climate litigation and sustainable development
STF receives a summit of the presidents from the Supreme Courts and Constitutional Courts of the G20 members

Photo: Antonio Augusto/SCO/STF
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International seminar discusses the relationship between food systems and the climate emergency
The mobilization against climate change and the alliance against hunger and poverty are being addressed by the Brazilian presidency of the G20

Photo: Disclosure
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Launch of the program “Standing Amazon” in indigenous schools
The initiative seeks to train schoolteachers in villages in the Legal Amazon

Photo: Disclosure/Instagram @amazoniadepe_
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Systemic approach in the planning of a sustainable transition
The topic was discussed at a seminar in Brasília

Photo: Guillaume de Germain on Unsplash
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Organizations from the Climate Observatory network meet in Brasília
Annual meeting of the largest network of Brazilian civil society focused on climate change, promoted coordination and planned its participation in COP 30

Credit: Disclosure OC
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Duration: 18 months
Goals: Energy
Purpose of the grant: To design, implement and release a georeferenced Energy Platform containing physical and financial available data of energy sources and reserves, in use or not; projects at different stages with its associated climate impact; installations in operation; communities potentially or already impacted; protected lands and other relevant information.
Duration: 24 months
Goals: Energy
Purpose of the grant: Integrate the interdependent energy, industrial and transport (biofuels) transition agendas, seeking greater robustness and convergence in the policies and programs envisioned by the Brazilian government and private entities for COP30.
FGV Clima
Duration: 18 months
Goals: Energy
Purpose of the grant: Support the Getúlio Vargas Foundation - Climate, to carry out studies to support the National Energy Transition Plan (PLANTE). These contributions, along with others prepared by EPE, will be submitted for public consultation by the National Energy Transition Secretariat/MME. The result of this process will be consolidated in the National Climate Change Policy and the new Brazilian NDC.
Duration: 18 months
Goals: UTSAS
Purpose of the grant: To strengthen the native seed productive chain by supporting and fomenting the networks and groups of seed collectors through the Redario. Institutional, financial/commercial management and governance of native seed collectors networks strengthening actions as well as political and multisectoral coordination actions to strengthening the native seed and restoration chains will be carried out.
Duration: 24 months
Goals: Agents
Purpose of the grant: To strengthen the role of indigenous people and traditional communities, particularly quilombolas and small-scale farmers, in climate action, defending their rights and territories, promoting agroecology, and enhancing engagement and participation to promote an effective advocacy of these populations on regional, national, and international policies and legal frameworks.
Duration: 18 months
Goals: Energy
Purpose of the grant: To support rural and traditional communities in the Northeastern of Brasil to generate local development with renewable energy growth, by the adoption of the Safeguard Protocol developed by CSOs led by Climainfo, in a participatory process. Participant organization will be selected through a public call for projects. Once selected, participants will receive training sessions on project management.
Duration: 18 months
Goals: Agents
Purpose of the grant: To strengthen indigenous engagement, participation, and advocacy in the climate agenda, providing ongoing training and political advisory support to indigenous organizations in the Brazilian Amazon for UN climate negotiations, preparing them for COP30 in Belém.
Duration: 9 months
Goals: Climate Policy
Purpose of the grant: To support the activities of the taskforce "Sustainable climate action and inclusive just energy transitions" of the T20 engagement group under the Brazilian presidency of the G20, to enable broad participation of national and international think tanks.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: UTSAS
Purpose of the grant: Provide technical support for the development of the Sectoral Plan for Food and Nutritional Security Adaptation (SAN), as well as the guidelines for the Food and Climate Framework, in support of the Ministry of Social Development (MDS).
Duration: 12 months
Goals: UTSAS
Purpose of the grant: To act as Executive Secretary of Brinco do Boi Network, a coalition aimed at conducting communication and mobilization campaigns for transparency regarding the origin of meat and the traceability of the beef chain. The Network will bring together civil society organizations, think tanks, communication organizations, among others, and will work on a positive agenda.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: UTSAS
Purpose of the grant: To contribute to the National Fund for Education Development for incluiding climatic aspects in its national recommendations for the National School Feeding Program and encouraging public managers to follow them, as well as creating a tool that allows these managers to identify the origin of the meat purchased for school meals.
Duration: 10 months
Goals: UTSAS
Purpose of the grant: To contribute to the development of the Amazon through strategic studies, training and support for the implementation of economic solutions within the scope of public policies. At this stage, the Amazon 2030 project will work on the themes (i) carbon and forest restoration and (ii) the economy of cities in the Amazon. These strategic areas are added to the project's previous deliveries.
Duration: 18 months
Goals: Energy
Purpose of the grant: Consolidation of Nordeste Potência, particularly in the adoption of the Safeguards Protocol for wind and photovoltaic solar projects, to make them examples of fair and inclusive energy transition, as well as in the promotion of powershoring as a contribution of decarbonization to the economic growth with poverty and inequality reduction.
Duration: 10 months
Goals: UTSAS
Purpose of the grant: To contribute to the development of the Amazon region through strategic studies, training and support for economic solutions and public policies. In this phase, the Amazon 2030 project will work on the themes (i) overview of infrastructure projects in the Amazon and their socio-environmental impacts, (ii) deforestation in settlements and (iii) institutional arrangements for forest restoration.
Duration: 18 months
Goals: UTSAS
Purpose of the grant: Investigate the meat consumption profile in Brazil and seek ways to diversify the demand and supply of alternatives to animal protein, as well as promote the debate on the contours of regenerative livestock (cattle, swine, and poultry).
Duration: 12 months
Goals: UTSAS
Purpose of the grant: To contribute to the engagement of the livestock sector with the traceability of the cattle chain through the analysis of the impacts of the current integration of CAR (Rural Environmental Registry) and GTA (Guide for Transport of Animals) in Pará and the identification of incentives for the adoption of traceability by rural producers.
Duration: 18 months
Goals: Agents
Purpose of the grant: To strengthen the territorial integrity of protected areas in the MATOPIBA region and enhance climate governance, with focus on engagement strategies and strengthening the organization of indigenous women in the Cerrado. Their active participation and influence on the climate agenda are crucial to ensure environmental conservation in this agricultural frontier.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Agents
Purpose of the grant: To articulate, train and engage young black evangelical leaders from territories vulnerable to climate change, with the aim of deepening their knowledge of the climate agenda, especially on the topics of environmental racism and climate adaptation, in order to stimulate mobilization actions in communities evangelical churches, build a unified action agenda and hold a climate seminar.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Energy
Purpose of the grant: Acting for greater dissemination of distributed generation for the benefit of the low-income population at States and Federal level.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Climate Policy
Purpose of the grant: To promote engagement strategies to inform, raise awareness and mobilize public authorities and civil society about the energy transition in Ceará, connecting the local reality with the broader debate in Brazilian society on opportunities to expand renewable energy and reduce energy generation from fossil sources.
14, General Dionísio Street - Humaitá
Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brazil
+55 (21) 3197-6580

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Header Photo: COP28/Walaa Alshaer