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iCS Newsletter
MAY 2024
ATL: leaders deliver a letter to the three branches of government regarding respect for indigenous rights
Several organizations met in Brasília and presented their demands

Photo: Thiago Walker/Taken from the Apib website
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Report explores the Brazilian energy transition with 12 Insights about hydrogen
The study was launched by the E+ Institute in an online seminar, with the collaboration of two partners.

Photo: Disclosure
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Event Powershoring: Energy Transition and the Neo-industrialization of Pernambuco
The objective was to study opportunities on how to boost green investments in the region

Credit: Andrey Lucas (SDEC - Secretary of Economic Development of Pernambuco)
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Report points out ways to progressively abandon incentives for fossil fuels
In a note, civil society organizations call for incentives for the energy transition, and show that the path lies in Tax Reform

Photo: Disclosure
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Socioenvironmental Safeguards for Renewable Energy
Organized by the Coalition of Those Affected by Renewable Energy in the Seridó and Borborema Territories (RN and PB), the event aims to offer solutions about how to protect lives and nature
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Legal analyses regarding the carbon market
Experts from different areas participated in two panels to discuss the implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.
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France-Brazil Colloquium discusses climate change law
The event promotes the exchange of experiences with Brazilian and international experts

Photo: Disclosure
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Popular advocacy to combat climate change in Tapajós
Professionals participated in legal mentoring about carbon projects organized by Laclima, in partnership with Maparajuba and CPT, in Santarém (PA)

Photo: Disclosure Maparajuba/ Instagram
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More financing for adaptation to climate resilience
The coordinator of the Subnational initiative of iCS participates in an event in India that aims to strengthen the global dialogue about infrastructure that is resistant to climate disasters

Photo: ICDRI/ LinkedIn
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Brazilian journalist is the winner of the 'Nobel Prize for environmentalism'
Investigative report exposed the connections between international supermarkets, Brazilian meat packing companies and cattle ranchers responsible for the deforestation in the Amazon, Cerrado and Pantanal

Photo: Goldman Environmental Prize
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Meeting debates topics about infrastructure and the rights of the Babaçu Coconut Breakers
The event in Brasília brought together traditional peoples and communities

Photo: Disclosure
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Congress of the MP debates issues of the climate agenda in Belém (PA)
With the support of iCS, the event by ABRAMPA brought together prosecutors, environmentalists, scientists and representatives from civil society who work in the defense of the environment and the climate throughout the country

Photo: Disclosure ABRAMPA
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Understand the Work Areas of the Institute for Climate and Society (iCS)
The goal of the four work plans is to increase the leading role of Brazil in the global climate agenda
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Duration: 18 months
Goals: Agents
Purpose of the grant: To engage the youth of the Juruena Vivo Network in the climate agenda and stimulating the active participation and multi-level advocacy of indigenous peoples and traditional communities in the state of Mato Grosso. The project also contributes to improvements in food and income, as well as improving and integrating environmental and territorial management policies and climate policies.
FGV Agro
Duration: 12 months
Goals: UTSAS
Purpose of the grant: Propose adjustments to rural credit and insurance aimed at adapting Brazilian agriculture to climate change (CC). The following will be done: analysis of impact scenarios of CC on second-crop corn until 2050; Analysis of the adherence of current credit mechanisms to the generated impacts and recommendations for improvement; and Communication actions of the results to the agricultural sector.
Duration: 21 months
Goals: Climate Policy
Purpose of the grant: Develop research, advocacy and communication activities to strengthen connections between countries in the Global South in Brazilian foreign policy and in multilateral forums chaired by Brazil, on climate issues. The project will strengthen synergies between the G20 and UNFCCC agendas, through exchanges between civil society organizations, in addition to stimulating parliamentary engagement.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Climate Policy
Purpose of the grant: To srengthen the legal and political capacity of the climate ecosystem of Brazilian civil society. The project involves monitoring and translating climate negotiations for Brazilian organizations, creating mechanisms for implementing international commitments at the national elvel, improving existing legislation and structuring the carbon market in Brazil, while promoting climate justice.
Duration: 14 months
Goals: Climate Policy
Purpose of the grant: To romote the integration of climate and environmental & social aspects (CSA) in the risk management of institutions operating in the main segments of financial and capital markets, through analyses, recommendations, engagement and training initiatives to accelerate the implementation of existing regulations and the adoption of new rules, such as a taxonomy for green investments.
Duration: 10 months
Goals: Energy
Purpose of the grant: Create a communication and campaign hub for the just energy transition, focused on preventing the expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure and promoting responsible renewable initiatives. The hub will be built in articulation with other CSOs, using multifaceted strategies such as partnerships with media channels, the development of educational content and public engagement actions.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Agents
Purpose of the grant: To build a communication and engagement platform on the climate issue in the Brazilian northeast, especially in Paulista (PE), with a view to mobilizing the local population, encouraging participation and raising public awareness, so that the climate issue appears as a of the central themes in the public debate throughout 2024 and with this, Local Climate Action Plans will be developed.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Agents
Purpose of the grant: This project aims to establish civil society engagement in discussions about the environment and climate, with more participation and social control in the management and protection of natural resources in Tocantins. It also aims to stimulate the emergence of young leaders and their political influence, strengthen the protection of defenders, and reduce the underreporting of violations.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Agents
Purpose of the grant: To transform the Lago Grande Agroextractivist Settlement Project (Santarém, PA) into a territory of successful collective experiences of social participation, socio-environmental development and dissemination of good practices and information, this project aims to promote the engagement, the strengthening of capacities and the leadership of youth and women in this Amazon region.
Duration: 11 months
Goals: Agents
Purpose of the grant: This project aims to strengthen the dissemination of knowledge and strategic narratives that reflect the realities and aspirations of Brazilian peripheral communities in relation to the climate and food agenda. It also aims to expand the skills of communicators and journalists and facilitate connections and productions on such topics on the preparatory trail of Brazilian leadership for COP-30.
Duration: 12 months
Goals: Agents
Purpose of the grant: To articulate and promote a network of local leaders in the Northeast region, especially peripheral ones, to develop communication and engagement campaigns focusing on themes related to climate change, in particular the promotion of resilient cities and climate adaptation, aiming to mobilize the local population and encourage civic participation and interaction with decision makers.
Duration: 14 months
Goals: Agents
Purpose of the grant: This project aims to support the informational ecosystem in the Amazon, focusing on environmental and climate education in the state of Amazonas and territorial engagement through media education, combating misinformation and producing strategic content to strengthen pro-climate narratives and access to a safer and more innovative environment for social dialogue.
14, General Dionísio Street - Humaitá
Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brazil
+55 (21) 3197-6580

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This newsletter is one of many products of the Institute for Climate and Society, which is sent monthly to update you about the universe of climate change. We would also appreciate your feedback and suggestions. Please write to
Header Photo: Rafael Salazar/Imaflora