

Moura Dubeux S.A. is publicly held, for-profit corporation in the construction and incorporation business, founded in 1983 and headquartered in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.

We have been present in the market for more than 40 years, and we currently occupy 17yh position in the 2023 Intec Ranking of the Largest Construction Companies in Brazil. We are currently present in the brazilian states of Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte and Sergipe.


We are currently the only developer in the Northeast listed on the B3 integrated in the Novo Mercado, a listing segment that follows the highest standards of corporate governance. In addition, we are one of the largest in volume of launches and sales in Brazil in the MAP segment (medium and high standard)

With a prominent presence in the segment of luxury and high-end buildings, we have adopted a business model in which we participate in all phases of real estate development activity – the identification and acquisition of land as well as the actual construction of the projects.

Another aspect of our activities is the “second residence” real estate segment, composed of flats, hotels and resorts, also aimed at high-end consumers – which opens the possibility of generating extra income for our clients.

At the same time that we maintained our leadership position in the Northeast market and started to have a presence in the capital markets, we also strengthened our sales force, MD Vendas – thus improving customer experience and service. On this last point, in 2022 we established the MD Store, which facilitates the customization of a property.


The daily search for our purpose, made possible by our values and principles, is supported by our Culture of Knowledge, which is based on the five essential pillars for our activities: knowing how to understand, knowing how to get things done, knowing how to collaborate, knowing how to challenge and knowing how to dream.

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    Customer Experience:
    Prioritizes the customer, understands their particularities (regionality, culture, lifestyle…) and continuously evaluates its own processes.

    Research alternatives, question possibilities and be open to listening and providing new experiences, assuming that it has always been done is not the only way to do it.

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    Strategic Thinking:
    Has autonomy for decision making and defines projects for the area.

    Focus on Results:
    Sets and aligns objectives and goals, tracks and monitors deliverables

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    Emotional Intelligence:
    Ability to manage one’s emotions and use them to one’s advantage, in addition to understanding other people’s emotions, building healthy relationships, making conscious choices and acquiring a better quality of life.

    Ability to self-lead, mobilize, direct and integrate people, inspiring them in their ideas and actions.

  • dream

    He interacts respectfully and knows how to adapt his speech to that of the other person.

    Constant ability to observe, analyze and criticize what already exists, believing that what is considered good can get even better, transforming ideas into action.

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    Process of behavioral change obtained through experience built by emotional, neurological, relational and environmental factors. Learning is the result of the interaction between mental structures and the environment.

    Ability of the individual to deal with adverse situations and react positively, being open to new ideas and able to respond promptly to changes.


Since 2020, when we decided to prepare our first Sustainability Report, we did a deep dive in order to analyze our values, culture, stakeholder relationships and regulatory environment, among other aspects. Always focused on understanding how we could communicate our strategy for sustainable development.

And in a process of continuous improvement and evolution, we reinforced our process for identifying opportunities for improvement in different topics – corporate governance, people management and construction methods, among others. With this, we sought to get closer to the commitments have made throughout our trajectory, making them increasingly integrated into our daily operations. We have currently made five commitments to 12 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN). They are also associated with and focused on activities that our business can achieve. They are:

Foster ethical values in our business with that provide transparent processes and curb any corrupt practices.

Provide our employees with a safe, healthy and sustainable work environment.

Support projects that promote human rights, education, inclusion, equity and reduction of social inequalities.

Develop real estate products with a focus on conscious consumption of inputs, energy and water efficiency, low carbon generation and that have a positive impact the urbanization of cities.

Contribute to economic growth by providing decent work and rising incomes.


Moura Dubeux is a company listed in the Novo Mercado segment of the B3, a segment of the Brazilian Stock Exchange that brings together companies that voluntarily adopt corporate governance practices in addition to those required by local law – which gives this category the highest level of corporate governance. Our presence in this listing reveals not only our commitment to corporate sustainability and our orientation towards ethical values, but also endorses our responsibility for the continuous improvement of our governance – in the application of internal processes, in communication with market agents and in the institutional positioning we adopt. By guiding our strategy through ethical values and transparent processes, good governance practices are an important pillar that supports Moura Dubeux’s performance.

Our corporate governance structure is aligned with the best principles of corporate governance, as well as practices defined by B3’s Novo Mercado segment in what we are listed. It is formed by decision-making bodies with well-defined responsibilities defined, whose operation is governed by the Company statute, in addition to policies and internal regulations. Its main organs are the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors Executive and the Fiscal Council. The Council of Administration is evaluated by the Statutory Audit and Risk Committee, by the Ethics and Conduct Committee, by the People Committee and the Privacy and Security Commission. There are still such as Internal Audit and Compliance areas.


With the increasing digitization of the economy, a series of benefits open up for our customers – who now have more agility and convenience at various stages of their relationship with us. But there is also a growing need to provide these activities with security measures that protect data – not only from customers, but from our business partners, suppliers and the company itself.

Our security and data protection governance practices are reviewed annually, seeking to further strengthen our actions in this regard. They are gathered in our Privacy Policy and the Privacy Policy – Cookies.

The concern with the privacy of the data that we manage and with the security of the information makes us fully aligned with the guidelines determined by the legislation – such as those of the General Data Protection Law. We have also adopted additional measures. Our approach to the topic is comprehensive, and includes training, awareness actions, access control, data protection measures, incident management and compliance audits – which includes a careful evaluation of our suppliers and business partners.

In addition, we host our technology infrastructure in a Tier III certified data center, which offers a high level of availability, redundancy and security and is capable of supporting planned outages without affecting critical systems – in addition to having strict physical and digital security measures to protect systems, applications and information against theft, fraud and other types of security breaches.


Adherence to the highest standards of compliance is a reality for companies in all business segments – and with Moura Dubeux it could be no different. Our Integrity Program, composed of 8 pillars, was established in order to strengthen our operations through the full alignment of our practices with national and international conduct, procedures, standards and laws. In this way, we not only act in a clear and transparent manner, but also prevent the occurrence of illegal acts, damage to our reputation or financial losses.

Any report of unethical conduct, actions that violate these principles and norms or unlawful acts can be reported anonymously through our Transparency Channel. Complaints are received by a specialized and independent company, ICTS, which guarantees the absolute secrecy of all registered information. Each situation receives the appropriate treatment by our Compliance area, without conflicts of interest, ensuring the confidentiality and nonretaliation of the whistleblower in good faith. Reports can be made from Monday to Friday by calling 0800 882-0620, or by our own website, here.


Created by the CGU Private Integrity Secretariat, the certification of incentive companies that operate in Brazil to adopt policies and practices to combat corruption and fraud.


Diego Villar
CEO Moura Dubeux


Composed of more than 30 items grouped into five pillars – urban quality, water, energy, materials and well-being – the Guidelines bring together the most relevant aspects of the main current Seals of Approval in the construction sector and unites strategies that add more value to the product. The Products area led the preparation of the guidelines, using the OKR methodology, engaging the other sectors of Moura Dubeux, which strengthened the document by connecting all areas of the company in the sustainability strategy.

After validation, adherence strategies are studied to obtain better performance and reach the necessary percentages for users. In order to engage our customers, we include in the promotional materials, along with the characteristics of the project, including location, leisure equipment, etc., the incorporated sustainable resources. The inclusion of this information helps the client realize the benefits of acquiring a property developed with our sustainability solutions. This level of engagement has inspired other companies in segment to consider Moura Dubeux as a case study.


As we are the largest developer in the Northeast and have significant regional coverage in the medium and high-end segment, we have the opportunity to receive offers for larger plots of land. In 2023, our landbank was R$8.7 billion in PSV (General Sales Value), assignments to 65 lands.

This scenario reminds us of the important role we have in urban transformation and requalification, respecting the characteristics regions of each of the places in which we operate.

In relation to environmental aspects, we determine the maximum preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity found in land where our projects will be installed. When we start studying an area for a future business to be developed by company, we have already started hiring initial diagnoses of the area worked. We carry out topographic surveys, technical studies environmental issues, compensation plans and environmental authorizations issued by the municipalities’ Environmental Secretariats, among others, always according to the characteristics and complexity of each terrain. Our initiatives seek conscious growth.


At Moura Dubeux, we are aware that the company development is directly related to the care of our collaborators. The People and Management area is responsible for a of our strategic pillars and is in constant evolution in the use of the best talent management practices. For that, We use several management tools people and internal communication, promoting a healthy and conducive environment for professional growth.