Camila Pereira


Camila Pereira

People and Culture Coordinator

Camila has a degree in Business Administration from UFRRJ, with a postgraduate degree in Strategic People Management, and training as a professional coach and behavioral analyst (DISC). In the constant search for new knowledge, she is currently a psychology student at the Santa Úrsula University.

She has worked in the human resources area of companies in different segments, with experience in talent attraction and selection, development and training, compensation and benefits, payroll and other actions related to people management.

She believes in balancing the strategic objectives of the organization with actions that promote the well-being of people in order to develop a healthy environment. At iCS, she works in all the processes and activities for the administration of people and management, supporting the manager in the implementation of HR strategies, projects that strengthen the culture of the company, internal communication, research on organizational climate/engagement, positions and salaries and organizational structure, annual performance evaluation and personnel department/payroll.
