

A selection of websites, platforms and other resources aimed at helping civil society organizations.


Conjunta – A platform that maps, organizes and promotes the production of content, learning and resources with a focus on the institutional development of organizations from the Brazilian civil society. (available only in Portuguese)

Candid A non-profit organization that offers data, courses, and insights aimed at the third sector.

GrantLab – A GIFE platform for sharing grantmaking practices. (available only in Portuguese)

Alliance Magazine – A magazine about philanthropy.

Periphery Guide for Funders – PERIPHERY GUIDE | PIPA Initiative (available only in Portuguese)

Impact Portal – Impact Portal – Free content for NGOs (available only in Portuguese)

Observatory of the Third Sector – Observatory of the Third Sector – News Portal ( (available only in Portuguese)

Map of the Civil Society Organizations (OSCs) by the Institute for Applied Economic Research (Ipea) – (available only in Portuguese)