Américo Sampaio


Américo Sampaio

Engagement of Agents of Change and Communication Manager

Américo studied Social Work at the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC-SP) and Sociology and Politics at the São Paulo Foundation School of Sociology and Politics (FESPSP). He has an MBA in Economics and Government Relations from the São Paulo School of Business Administration at the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV EAESP) and is a specialist in advocacy for public policies, campaign strategies for civic engagement, applied opinion research for strategic communication and the preparation of social projects for the third sector. He studied Executive Education in Leadership, Organizing and Action: Leading Change, at the Harvard Kennedy School. He is currently studying for the Executive Program of Neuromarketing at the Brazilian Institute of Neuromarketing and Neuroeconomics. In almost 20 years of work in the third sector, he has been a project coordinator at the Integrated Center for Studies and Programs for Sustainable Development (CIEDS), a board member of the São Paulo School of Government, a manager at Comunitas, a coordinator of the Sustainable Cities Program, a coordinator of the Nossa São Paulo Network, a campaign manager at Purpose Brasil, and a co-founder and board member of the political marketing consultancy Estratégia Brasil. He has also worked on several campaigns, networks, and coalitions with a focus on participation and engagement in the agendas of the environment, climate change and human rights. He has also been a columnist for CBN radio, the Fórum magazine, and Rede de TV dos Trabalhadores (TVT). He is currently a board member of the Instituto Comunicação Cultura e Incidência (ICCI) and is participating in the construction of the Clean Energy Incubator program of IREX.
