Pedro Zanetti


Pedro Zanetti

Specialist in Land Use and Sustainable Agriculture

Pedro is a Forestry Engineer and has a master’s degree in sustainable development practices from UFRuralRJ, with a 1-year sandwich period in the Netherlands, at the Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences. Over the past 10 years, he has managed projects and programs related to conservation, sustainable management and production, and the responsible purchasing of agricultural and forestry commodities. He worked as a senior programs manager at the United Kingdom embassy, ​​leading the portfolio of British grants linked to sustainable agriculture under the UK-Brazil partnership for green and inclusive growth. With German technical cooperation (GIZ), he has coordinated 3 projects linked to the bioeconomy, promoting the sustainable chain of cocoa and the diversified production in agroforestry systems in the Atlantic Forest and in the Amazon. Some of the main topics involved access to markets and credit, environmental regularization and the management of community-based enterprises. At Proforest, as a senior project manager, he coordinated projects related to the responsible purchase and production of agricultural and forestry commodities (soy, meat, sugar and palm oil), supporting large companies to implement their sustainability policies. He is a Specialist in Land Use and Sustainable Agriculture at ICS.
