Adriano Andrade


Adriano Andrade

Events and Travel Coordinator

Adriano has a postgraduate qualification in International Business Management from the Faculdade Capital Federal and a bachelor’s degree in International Relations from the Veiga de Almeida University. He has worked in the area of ​​international business development at the India/Brazil Chamber of Commerce (2018 – 2021), in the areas of internationalization and the organization of corporate events and business missions to India, which gave him the opportunity to accompany a Brazilian delegation to the Asian country. At the same time, he provided support to the operations of the Honorable Consulate General of India in Rio de Janeiro in consular and administrative areas and at official events and receptions. More recently, Adriano was an analyst of events at the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI). At iCS, Adriano coordinates the operation of our events.
