Deborah Cardoso


Deborah Cardoso

Specialist in Partnerships

Deborah has a degree in Public Relations (UERJ) and is a specialist in Marketing (Ibmec) and in Economics and Sustainability Management (UFRJ), in addition to having a master’s degree in Public Policies, Strategies and Development (Institute of Economics / UFRJ). She was a participating researcher at the Latin-American Center for Interdisciplinary Training (CELFI) of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation in Argentina and is a climate leader for The Climate Reality Project – Virtual edition.

For more than 15 years, she has worked with communication and strategy for products and services in organizations of different segments and sizes, developing analytical capabilities and integrated visions in problem solving. From a socioenvironmental perspective, she has worked on climate policy fronts, supporting communication and strategies for the mobilization of the climate agenda at the subnational level. She has also expanded the visibility of the work developed in the promotion of solar energy in Rio de Janeiro favelas.

In other areas, she has contributed to the development and monitoring of products and services; relationships with clients; market analysis and research; deployment of goals; definition of KPI and the monitoring of results on several business fronts, with an emphasis on the sectors of industry, telecommunications, insurance and education.
