International seminar discusses the relationship between food systems and the climate emergency


International seminar discusses the relationship between food systems and the climate emergency

The mobilization against climate change and the alliance against hunger and poverty are being addressed by the Brazilian presidency of the G20

“Facing the monotony of the food system: opportunities for actions in the initiatives of the Brazilian presidency of the G20.” This was the theme of the online debate organized by the Instituto Comida do Amanhã, Cátedra Josué de Castro de Sistemas Alimentares, CEBRAP Sustentabilidade, INCT – Combate à Fome, the Consumer Protection Institute (Idec) and the Zero Hunger Institute – all iCS grantees. The meeting took place one week before the ministerial meetings of the G20.

Researchers, experts, public authorities, international organizations, international networks of food systems and climate and representatives from the G20 working groups discussed two important task forces, created by the Brazilian presidency of the event: the mobilization against climate change and the alliance against hunger and poverty.

The event sought to work on the theme of agri-food systems, holding debates about the interconnection of the food systems with the climate emergency. Solutions from the Global South were also presented, as a way to identify how Brazilian cities are leading the transformation required for this agenda. The event also showed how other countries, Mexico and Tanzania, are dealing with the subject.
