The Northeast receives new solar energy installations


The Northeast receives new solar energy installations

The initiative seeks to integrate energy, water, food and socioenvironmental security to the Lab SOLar project, in the Xingó region

The homes of family farmers in the Xingó region, in the Northeast, received new installations of solar energy generation systems through the Lab SOLar Project. The initiative is a partnership between the Brazilian Institute for Development and Sustainability (IABS) and INCT Odisseia, using resources from iCS (the Institute for Climate and Society).

The objective is to analyze the impact of the generation of solar energy in rural areas by communities in vulnerable situations, through the Nexus+ approach, integrating energy, water, food and socioenvironmental security.

The Xingó Center, in Piranhas (AL), had already received the installation of a pilot unit, completing the first phase of the partnership. The new phase, known as Lab SOLar+, will install another five solar energy generation systems, integrated with rainwater capture and food production, in the homes of family farmers (selected based on socio-productive criteria) located in the Jacaré-Curituba Settlement (SE).

Initially, the systems were implemented with the monitoring of the installations and the preparation of the productive development plans of the properties. Subsequently, at the Xingó Center, family members participated in a training course on the use and maintenance of the solar panels.

LAB SOLAR delivers new solar energy installations to the Northeast. Reproduction: CentroXingo/Instagram
