Bonn, Germany, makes preparations for COP 29 with representatives present from Brazilian civil society


Bonn, Germany, makes preparations for COP 29 with representatives present from Brazilian civil society

With the support of iCS, several organizations were in the Brazilian delegation at the event that precedes the negotiations for the Climate Summit

In preparation for COP 29, several organizations supported by iCS participated in the Bonn Conference, in Germany, held between the June 3 and 13.

Representatives from seven youth, research and think tank organizations from the North and Northeast of Brazil, with black leaders, actively contributed in the official negotiations to strengthen the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of Brazil. This establishes the national goals for the reduction of emissions and can directly impact the agricultural and livestock sector. They focused on topics such as the Just Transition, Finance and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs). The expectation is that Brazil will submit its new NDC by mid-2025.

Among the organizations represented were Iyaleta, Cojovem, Lab Cidade, Mandi, Iser, Engajamundo and Mapiguari. One of the presented suggestions was the publication of Iyaleta, which offers a set of strategies to support adaptation policies. They include not only the development of more resilient infrastructure, but also actions that aim to reduce the social inequalities in several areas, such as food security.

Furthermore, indigenous leaders from the Amazon went to the Conference to argue for the demarcation of traditional territories in the world. The measure has the objective to combat the advance of climate change. The traditional peoples also want to occupy space not only in the debates, but also to be heard in the decision-making. The idea was to develop a joint work agenda between the local communities, Afro-descendant peoples and indigenous peoples, aiming for COP 30 in Brazil. Additionally, a letter was sent to the secretariat of the UNFCCC, requesting the formal recognition of the local communities in the Platform for Indigenous Peoples and Communities in the other discussion spaces of the Convention.

The event was attended by the co-president for Latin America and the Caribbean of the International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change, (Indigenous Caucus), Sineia Wapichana, who is also coordinator of the Environmental and Territorial Department of the Indigenous Council of Roraima (CIR). The executive coordinator of the Coordination of the Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (Apib), Dinaman Tuxá, also participated.

The CIPÓ Platform, also supported by iCS, was also present at the Conference. Maiara Folly, the executive director, actively took part in a series of preparatory events and meetings for COP29, in November, in Azerbaijan. She attended the work program sessions about the New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate and negotiations for the Just Transition Work Program. She was also involved in strategic meetings with Brazilian negotiators about climate adaptation and with negotiators of the Just Transition Work Program.

Finally, iCS, in collaboration with the Climate Observatory, WWF and Fastenaktion, organized a strategic event with representatives from the Troika of the presidencies of COPs 28, 29 and 30, which included the United Arab Emirates, Azerbaijan and Brazil. The meeting brought together key figures such as Liliam Chagas, the director of the Climate Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, Hana AlHashimi, the chief negotiator of the USA at COP28, and Rovshan Mirzayev, leader for Troika, G20 and G7 in the presidency of COP29. The main objective was to discuss strategies to align the new Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) with the Dubai Consensus and to promote more ambitious mitigation goals as stipulated by the Paris Agreement, aiming to limit global warming to 1.5 ºC. Civil society also actively participated in the event, highlighting the need for the mobilization of technical and financial resources in order to strengthen the implementation of the global climate policies.

Organizations participated in the Bonn Climate Change Conference in Germany. Photo: Disclosure/iCS


The executive director of the CIPÓ Platform, Maiara Folly, was one of the speakers at the event “Promoting Just Transitions in Adaptation, Mitigation and Trade Policies” in Bonn. Photo: LinkedIn /CIPÓ Platform
