F20 Climate Solutions Forum debates the paths of philanthropy of the Global South


F20 Climate Solutions Forum debates the paths of philanthropy of the Global South

Organized by F20 in partnership with the Institute for Climate and Society, the Avina Foundation and GIFE, the event was held on June 4 and 5, in Rio de Janeiro

The Climate Solutions Forum, an annual event organized by Foundations 20 (F20), brought together experts and members of civil society with the objective of mobilizing the formation of new alliances, the sharing of knowledge and the expansion of the voice of philanthropy of the Global South in the G20 discussions. It included debates about sustainable finance, food security, adaptation to climate change, SDGs, and climate inequalities. The event took place on June 4 and 5, in Rio de Janeiro, in the context of the Brazilian presidency of the G20.

According to the chair of F20, and director of Partnerships and Communication of iCS, Alice Amorim, philanthropy plays a central role in enabling solutions that are not effectively achieved by the State, private sector or civil society in isolation.

“Climate is not only an environmental issue, but also one of development, and needs to be incorporated into the financial debate. It is necessary to focus on the financing for mitigation and adaptation in the least developed countries. In Brazil, the investments that are already provided for, such as Minha Casa Minha Vida [My House, My Life] and PAC, need to be more compatible with the adaptation and mitigation of climate change. We need to change our perspective: it is not about providing more resources, it is about using these resources better, in order to need less in the future, and making our systems more resilient and efficient,” she explains.

In another panel, the experts highlighted the challenges of climate change and food security, and how a greater philanthropic involvement can help with the solutions.

The Forum brought together around 300 in-person guests at the Hotel Prodigy, in the center of Rio de Janeiro, in addition to an online audience. 10 recommendations of F20 were presented as a call to action for the global leaders. The material will be delivered to the G20 Presidency by the organization of the forum, promoted by the F20 Platform, in partnership with the Institute for Climate and Society (iCS), the Avina Foundation and the Group of Institutes, Foundations and Companies (GIFE), with institutional support from the Rio City Hall.

To watch the panels, simply access the iCS YouTube channel.

F20 Climate Solutions Forum argues for the inclusion of all the voices in the debate for climate justice. Photo: RT FOTOGRAFIA / Disclosure F20 / CSF
