Luiz Fernando Laranja


Luiz Fernando Laranja


Luis Fernando is a veterinarian, Master in Agronomy, Doctor of Veterinary Science with post-doctoral training in Animal Science. He developed the first part of his career at the academy, as a professor at University of Sao Paulo. During this period, he developed research and studies in the areas of Animal Production and Food Quality. He advised large national and international food and agricultural companies. He ended his academic career and moved to the Amazon, where he engaged in sustainable forest products businesses such as the processing of Brazil Nut (Ouro Verde Amazonia – the first certified B-corp company in Brazil). He worked in the third sector as Coordinator of the WWF-Brazil Agriculture and Environment Program, where he was directly involved with the topic of Sustainable Agriculture and its relationship with the conservation of Brazilian biomes. He finally migrated to the sustainable finance and impact investing sector by founding Kaeté Investimentos, one of the first Asset Managers of Impact Investment Funds in Brazil, where he structured the first impact Private Equity Fund dedicated to the Amazon, raising US$ 40 million for investments in the region. He recently founded two other companies, Guaraci Agropastoril, an organic dairy farm, whose recently launched brand, NoCarbon Milk, brought to market the world’s first milk with Organic, Carbon Neutral and Animal Welfare certifications. The second company, Caaporã Agrosilvopastoril, is dedicated to the production of animal proteins integrated with agroforestry systems, with operations in the states of SP, BA, TO and MT. 
