The G20 Newsletter interviews the executive director of iCS


The G20 Newsletter interviews the executive director of iCS

Maria Netto explains how climate change affects knowledge passed down through generations

In the current scenario of climate change, environmental disasters are becoming increasingly frequent and unpredictable. In the edition of the G20 Newsletter entitled “Environmental risk mitigation and adaptation: two important concepts today,” Maria Netto, the executive director of iCS, illustrates how the family knowledge of farmers, handed down through generations, is undergoing changes.

Maria Netto reminds us that, although the farmers are already accustomed to adaptation and risk mitigation strategies, the new reality brings extra challenges, because the frequency and intensity of catastrophic events are greater and more uncertain. In order to respond to these changes, especially to a climate disaster, the best strategy is prevention. To achieve this, investing in planning and the analyses of heat maps are essential.

Maria Netto is interviewed in the G20 Newsletter. Credit: Disclosure
