A seminar debates the just energy transition on World Environment Day


A seminar debates the just energy transition on World Environment Day

Organized by iCS, DIEESE and FUP, the event brought together oil workers and representatives from various sectors in Rio de Janeiro

The event focused on the guarantee of a transition that did not ignore vulnerable communities and workers from traditional sectors. Energy justice aims to balance these objectives, seeking not only to reduce emissions, but also to guarantee social, economic and environmental equity throughout the transition process.

Amanda Ohara, a Fuel Specialist at iCS, taking as an example the impacts of the floods in Rio Grande do Sul, stated that future experiences depend on how the climate crisis is handled.

During the event, Nelson Karam, from DIEESE, emphasized the importance of the unions engaging in the discussion about the transition, providing information to confront the challenges arising from the changes in the production base, which directly impact the work and organization of the workers. He also highlighted the need to rethink the financing of this process.

Miriam Cabreira, the president of Sindipetro RS and FUP, shared her personal experience about the consequences of climate change, describing the rapid flooding that affected her home and neighborhood in Canoas (RS). She leads the movement Petroleiros pela Vida [Oil Workers for Life], which is supporting the victims and organizing humanitarian aid in the community. Cloviomar Cararine, an economist at DIEESE and advisor to FUP, highlighted the urgency of the active participation of workers in order to guarantee a just transition, encouraging the union organization to influence the business plan of Petrobras and to promote debates seeking to advance this process effectively.

The seminar was jointly organized by the Institute for Climate and Society (iCS), the Inter-Union Department of Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies (DIEESE) and the Single Federation of Oil Workers, in Rio de Janeiro, on June 5, when World Environment Day was celebrated.

Reproduction/ FUP Website

To watch the seminar, simply access the following links:

Part 1 and Part 2
