Laurent Micol


Laurent Micol


Laurent is a partner and Chief Innovation Officer at Caaporã, a company that develops innovative low-carbon livestock production systems, and co-founder and CEO of CarbonPec, a startup of carbon credits for cattle ranching. He also participates in the Board of Directors of the Brazilian NGO ICV and in the Panel of Experts on Land Use of the Institute for Climate and Society (iCS). 

He graduated from the ESCP Business School in Paris and started his career as a business strategy consultant in Paris and then with Bain& Co in Sao Paulo. He then specialized in environmental management and engaged in Amazon forest conservation in Mato Grosso state with the local NGO ICV. He worked as Deputy Director and then Executive Director at ICV for 14 years, focusing on strategies to reduce deforestation and improve land use sustainability. During that period, he also did a Master’s in Geography. He was also a co-founder of PECSA, a sustainable cattle ranching management firm in the Amazon. 
