Agents of change for climate action

Agents of change for climate action

A greater diversity and plurality of voices in the national and international debates about the climate also has a positive impact on the construction of public policies and plans with a greater bias towards social inclusion.

Considering the needs and specificities of the territory and of the different populations, iCS offers support to qualify the debate about the climate agenda, expanding the mobilization of strategic groups and promoting greater diversity and representation of views and knowledge, as well as the strengthening of national and global climate governance.

Learn about the four operating fronts in this area below:

Civic Engagement

Promoting the training and strengthening of pro-climate leaders in specific segments of society, such as Evangelicals, Catholics, the peripheral populations and young people, and the coordination of engagement networks to expand civic participation (with a focus on climate justice and combating deforestation) with decision makers for the implementation of climate policies and projects.


  • Building new narratives about the climate crisis that are capable of raising awareness and mobilizing public opinion
  • Coordinating networks and engagement campaigns to increase the civic participation of the Brazilian population
  • Training new leaders at the grassroots of these segments who are able to develop their own actions related to the climate crisis in their territories.

Urban, black, and young populations

Strengthening of the activities of the urban grantees and black leaders for qualified participation in the climate agenda. It encompasses the formation of networks and the development of campaigns to rethink urban climate solutions and to expand initiatives of interest to the Afro-descendant population on the topic.


  • Strengthening leadership for more complex interactions with decision makers and developing strategic and innovative solutions of advocacy with governments and companies
  • Coordinating, promoting, and strengthening strategic participation in decision-making processes about climate policies
  • Developing networks, hubs, and constituencies (groups of people, organizations and companies that act together around common objectives, organizing their work with a specific focus) through campaigns, engagement actions, tactical urbanism interventions, local coordination and “factories of ideas and good practices” to rethink and propose local solutions
  • Stimulating the creation of a climate narrative and develop theoretical and conceptual frameworks that intersect between climate and racial issues in Brazil through debates and discussion forums
  • Training and coordinating researchers, intellectuals, and black leaders in the production of knowledge about topics and agendas of interest to the black population.

Indigenous peoples, quilombolas, traditional communities and family farmers

Seeking the strengthening, through organizational development and leadership, for the participation of these actors in climate forums, and support for local development with sociobiodiversity.


  • Consolidating the organizational capabilities of grassroot organizations. Institutional support to expand the access to financing and develop expertise for advocacy in public policies
  • Training leaders so that they can contribute actively and effectively in debates and decisions about climate change at local, national, and international levels
  • Supporting the participation and advocacy in forums related to the climate agenda in their territories
  • Qualifying the preparation of proposals for the implementation of public policies related to the climate considering the particularities and priorities of these social segments
  • Encouraging partnerships with other sectors to strengthen the participation and advocacy of these social groups
  • Developing engagement campaigns and communication strategies, as well as innovative materials that directly and simply share the perspectives of these populations about climate change
  • Supporting initiatives that increase the visibility and participation of groups of women and young people in decision-making spaces related to the climate and territorial agendas.

Private Agents

Form sectoral and regional networks based on key actors from the financial, corporate, industrial and agribusiness sectors, aiming to advance the climate agenda in Brazil, with a focus on training and the engagement of small and medium-sized companies.




  • Coordinating sectoral and regional actors around common narratives and key messages
  • Strengthening allied agents of the climate agenda to promote sustainable initiatives, innovative solutions, avoiding greenwashing and encouraging regulatory improvements
  • Qualifying and expanding the strategic communication of these key actors, seeking to amplify their voices for the climate, thereby improving the dissemination of the corporate transition plans, innovative private initiatives, and technical publications about the climate
  • Broadening the discussion of critical topics for the private sector such as the regulation of the financial system; reporting frameworks (ISSB, TCFD and SBTi); access to credit and the redirection of investments; sectoral decarbonization; Nature-Based Solutions (NbS); voluntary and regulated carbon markets; corporate finance; international trade; traceability of supply chains; scope 3 emissions; value chains; the circular economy; and certifications.




2024 April 12 months

Agenda de Mobilização das Juventudes e das Mulheres Agroextrativistas do PAE Lago Grande | Fed das Ass de Moradores e Comunidades do Assentamento Agroextrat. Gleba Lago Grande:

To transform the Lago Grande Agroextractivist Settlement Project (Santarém, PA) into a territory of successful collective experiences of social participation, socio-environmental development and dissemination of good practices and information, this project aims to promote the engagement, the strengthening of capacities and the leadership of youth and women in this Amazon region.

2024 April 14 months

Abaré Ensina: educação midiática e engajamento cívico para combate à desinformação ambiental no Amazonas | Abaré Jornalismo:

This project aims to support the informational ecosystem in the Amazon, focusing on environmental and climate education in the state of Amazonas and territorial engagement through media education, combating misinformation and producing strategic content to strengthen pro-climate narratives and access to a safer and more innovative environment for social dialogue.

2024 April 12 months

Campanha pró-clima em Preserve | Preserve Paulista:

To build a communication and engagement platform on the climate issue in the Brazilian northeast, especially in Paulista (PE), with a view to mobilizing the local population, encouraging participation and raising public awareness, so that the climate issue appears as a of the central themes in the public debate throughout 2024 and with this, Local Climate Action Plans will be developed.

2024 April 11 months

Hackaton Perifa&Clima: jornalismo que pauta alimentação | ASSOCIACAO DA ESCOLA DE JORNALISMO:

This project aims to strengthen the dissemination of knowledge and strategic narratives that reflect the realities and aspirations of Brazilian peripheral communities in relation to the climate and food agenda. It also aims to expand the skills of communicators and journalists and facilitate connections and productions on such topics on the preparatory trail of Brazilian leadership for COP-30.

2024 April 12 months

Articulação e Engajamento em Direitos Humanos e Ambientais - Tocantins | Movimento Estadual de DH do Tocantins:

This project aims to establish civil society engagement in discussions about the environment and climate, with more participation and social control in the management and protection of natural resources in Tocantins. It also aims to stimulate the emergence of young leaders and their political influence, strengthen the protection of defenders, and reduce the underreporting of violations.

2024 June 12 months

Mobilização da comunidade negra evangélica para a COP30 | Movimento Negro Evangélico:

To articulate, train and engage young black evangelical leaders from territories vulnerable to climate change, with the aim of deepening their knowledge of the climate agenda, especially on the topics of environmental racism and climate adaptation, in order to stimulate mobilization actions in communities evangelical churches, build a unified action agenda and hold a climate seminar.

2024 May 12 months

PerifaPAC: Fórum regional do Nordeste para monitoramento da implementação do eixo “Cidades Sustentáveis e Resilientes” em territórios periféricos e vulnerabilizados | Instituto Vladimir Herzog:

To articulate and promote a network of local leaders in the Northeast region, especially peripheral ones, to develop communication and engagement campaigns focusing on themes related to climate change, in particular the promotion of resilient cities and climate adaptation, aiming to mobilize the local population and encourage civic participation and interaction with decision makers.

2024 May 18 months

Incidência para a conservação e protagonismo das mulheres indígenas: enfrentando as mudanças climáticas nas Terras Indígenas do Cerrado | Centro de Trabalho Indigenista:

To strengthen the territorial integrity of protected areas in the MATOPIBA region and enhance climate governance, with focus on engagement strategies and strengthening the organization of indigenous women in the Cerrado. Their active participation and influence on the climate agenda are crucial for ensure environmental conservation in this agricultural frontier.

2024 April 18 months

Rede Juruena Vivo: Jovens pela Justiça Climática | Operação Amazônia Nativa:

To engage the youth of the Juruena Vivo Network in the climate agenda and stimulating the active participation and multi-level advocacy of indigenous peoples and traditional communities in the state of Mato Grosso. The project also contributes to improvements in food and income, as well as improving and integrating environmental and territorial management policies and climate policies.

2024 May 24 months

"Fortalecendo Direitos e a Incidência de Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais na Agenda do Clima e em Políticas que Valorizem a Agroecologia | TERRA DE DIREITOS:

To strengthen the role of indigenous peoples and traditional communities, particularly quilombolas and small-scale farmers, in climate action, defending their rights and territories, promoting agroecology, and enhancing engagement and participation to promote an effective advocacy of these populations on regional, national, and international policies and legal frameworks.

2024 June 18 months

Protagonismo e incidência indígena na Convenção-Quadro sobre Mudanças do Clima UNFCCC rumo à COP30 | Rede de Cooperação Amazônia:

To strengthen indigenous engagement, participation, and advocacy in the climate agenda, providing ongoing training and political advisory support to indigenous organizations in the Brazilian Amazon for UN climate negotiations, preparing them for COP30 in Belém.

2023 May 2 months

Participação em Oficina sobre Planejamento Urbano Estratégico | Movimento SampaPé!:

This grant is logistical support for Instituto Caminhabilidade to participate in the Encontro Cidades, to be held in Belém (PA), in May, to conduct the workshop “What is the relationship between women’s displacement and climate change?”, enabling a regional exchange and exchange of knowledge and strategies on the issue of gender, climate and mobility.

2023 August 3 months

"Fábrica de Nuvem" - Educação, Arte e Engajamento para Mudanças Climáticas na Comunidade da Maré | O Ser que brinca Producoes artisticas:

To promote awareness about climate change through educational and artistic activities at the Maré Arts Center on September 5, Amazon Day, from the show “Fábrica de Nuvem” followed by a dialogue on the topic with the community.

2023 August 3 months

Diálogos Amazônicos | Centro de Estudos Avancados de Promocao Social e Ambiental:

To support the participation of leaders of community-based organizations and social movements from the Amazon, mainly from the Tapajós River basin, in the events of the Amazon Dialogues, which are part of the program of the Summit of the Member Countries of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (OTCA), to be held in Belém do Pará.

2023 August 3 months

Contaminação de mercúrio e saúde pública na Amazônia hoje | Chin Produções Artisticas Ltda - ME:

To screen the film AMAZON, THE NEW MINAMATA?, to debate mercury contamination and public health in the Amazon, in order to seek actions and solutions that strengthen the indigenous struggle against illegal mining. The proposal is to raise awareness and engage partners from different sectors for the importance and urgency of the issue.

2023 January 6 months

Apoio ao Congresso do GIFE | Grupo de Inst., Fund. e Empresas:

To hold the 12th GIFE Congress, with the topic “Challenging structures of inequality”. GIFE’s biannual congresses are the biggest event to discuss private social investment and philanthropy in Brazil.

2023 August 3 months

Assembleia dos Povos | Coord. das Org. Indígenas da Amazônia Bras.:

To hold the Assembly of the Peoples of the Earth for the Amazon in the context of the Amazon Summit that will be held in early August in Belém, in addition to ensuring indigenous participation, strengthen the articulation between peoples at Pan-Amazon level and promote a better incidence on the climate agenda at national and international level.

2023 April 19 months

Ciclo de debates - Povos Indígenas e o Direito "O direito e as ameaças aos povos indígenas no começo do século 21: Ciclo de debates sobre o marco temporal" | Fund. Getúlio Vargas:

To support a series of debates at the Fundação Getúlio Vargas to discuss the unconstitutional nature and climate impacts of the “temporal landmark” thesis. Its objective is to provide technical and academic input that can influence the judgement of the “temporal landmark” in the Supreme Court.

2023 July 8 months

Defendendo Defensores Ambientais no Sistema Internacional de Direitos Humanos | Associação Artigo 19 Brasil:

To support advocacy with public agencies and the National Council of Justice to ensure Brazil is committed with the creation of the Special Mechanism for follow-up of Precautionary Measure 449/2022 of the Inter-American Court and with the ratification of the Escazú Agreement.

2023 March 8 months

Emergência climática: uma herança da branquitude | Observatório da Branquitude:

To promote a set of media and communication strategies (articles, columns, a conference and audiovisual) to encourage the climate justice debate based on the whiteness (branquitude). Focusing on influencing public debate based on data and reflections on the different ways that whiteness causes climate change.

2023 July 11 months

Iniciativa Samaúma: advocacy e formação de lideranças na Amazônia | Pour Le Brésil:

To strengthen female leaders in the Amazon and their organizations in an increasingly bold action for policies that contribute to tackling the climate crisis, this project seeks to offer training and exchanges to build strategic capabilities, individually and institutionally.

2023 October 12 months

Redes de Cuidado e Táticas de Mobilização: territorializando metodologias de engajamento na Amazônia | Etinerâncias Assessoria Popular e Metodológica:

Stimulate society’s knowledge and engagement, especially in the Amazon, on topics that promote sustainable, safe, and resilient development to climate change, such as the Care Agenda. By articulating care networks and activating mobilization actions whose strategy is to strengthen them, the project will support the modulation of policies and their implementation in these territories.

2023 August 2 months

Assembleia dos Povos da Terra pela Amazônia | Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens:

To strengthen the participation of Amazonian civil society in key decision-making and advocacy spaces for the protection of the biome, this project intends to support the mobilization and engagement efforts of leaders, movements, and organizations during the Amazon Summit, to be held in Belém (PA).

2023 September 8 months

Mídia periférica e Mudanças Climáticas | Território da Notícia:

Disseminate proprietary content, produced by peripheral journalism organizations, on websites, social networks and, mainly, physical totems spread in strategic commercial points on the outskirts of the south zone of São Paulo (SP), focusing on the climate agenda, in particular Just Transition and Environmental Racism, to inform and engage the peripheral population in the cause of climate change.

2023 March 7 months

Chamada de produção de conteúdos digitais sobre justiça climática e o enfrentamento ao racismo ambiental no Brasil. | Associação de Jornalismo Digital:

To promote a call and selection of journalistic content in different formats (text, audio and video) about climate justice and environmental racism among digital media organizations associated with Ajor. It aims to reflect on climate justice/injustice, its actors, impacts and public policies from different territories and perspectives.








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