Climate policy and institutional framework

Climate policy and institutional framework

For iCS, it is essential to promote climate policies at the national, subnational, and international levels, with a focus on the rules for the creation of a regulated carbon market and the expansion and strengthening of financing instruments for projects in the different productive sectors. Mobilizing the governmental, civil society and private sector actors is a fundamental step towards the building of a market with robust and inclusive governance.

Increasing the ambition of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of Brazil is one of the main objectives of the action, as well as the structuring of short, medium and long-term goals so that Brazil can achieve the ambition of net zero emissions by 2050.

Learn about the five operating fronts of this area below:


National Policy

The focus of this front is to increase the Brazilian ambition in decarbonization through the updating and strengthening of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and the exploration of urgent agendas, such as adaptation and resilience to climate disasters.


  • Strengthening the creation, diversification, and updating of the implementation tools for the NDC
  • Promoting a more ambitious NDC, incorporating short, medium and long-term goals and strategies, to achieve net zero emissions by 2050
  • Contributing to the construction of climate governance using an innovative model, with strengthened and coordinated governmental institutions and with effective mechanisms of social participation
  • Encouraging sectoral and economic development policies to shape the trends of emissions, involving stakeholders from the strategic sectors and niches of the economy
  • Promoting advocacy in policies and the National Adaptation Plans
  • Contributing to the construction of legal solutions to unlock agendas such as the restoration of degraded areas.

Carbon Market

iCS aims to contribute to the creation of a robust and transparent regulated market for the country, through the construction of studies and participation in discussions about topics that are essential to this, such as policies, finances, and the interface between the sectors.


  • Contributing to the construction of the positioning of key sectors, such as the industrial, agricultural, and forestry sectors, and contributing to the discussion of complementary rules, such as the regulation of carbon assets and jurisdictional markets
  • Promoting the debate to improve the quality, transparency, and responsibilities in the credit generation projects of the voluntary and regulated market
  • Encouraging more profound discussions about the interface between agriculture and carbon
  • Contributing to improving the transition/carbon neutrality goals and strategies by credit buyers
  • Stimulating Brazilian participation in international discussions, especially those related to Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.

Subnational Policy

The objective is to insert the climate agenda into state and municipal policies, planning and projects, through financing for local policies and improvements in governance. In coordination with the other fronts of this and other operating areas of iCS, structuring and supporting climate projects for a more robust and scalable territorial vision.


  • Establishing partnerships with state consortia to contribute to the training of public officials in relation to the climate and with the digitalization for the implementation of environmental policies
  • Working with financial institutions that focus on implementing projects with the states and municipalities
  • Developing thematic projects that connect to the regional challenges, prioritizing projects with a focus on implementation, such as state plans for adaptation and mitigation.

International Policy

iCS wants to encourage the participation of civil society in the international climate agenda and to strengthen the ecosystem of organizations that operate in this area. The focus is on the large meetings and annual events.


  • Supporting civil society actors in strategic monitoring and advocacy in the international climate agenda in order to promote domestic ambition and consistency in the Brazilian international leadership
  • Producing knowledge with respect to the international climate agenda
  • Encouraging the training of networks to monitor and formulate contributions to the Brazilian positioning in the international climate agenda.

Climate Finance

This front works to strengthen the training of a qualified and diversified field to mobilize resources for the transition to zero carbon, with the attraction of investments for low carbon technologies and projects.


  • Promoting debates about the implementation of climate financing measures and the emergence of the agenda at the COPs
  • Training domestic actors to encourage a greater Brazilian leading role in the international discussions about climate finance
  • Boosting domestic climate financing through the diversification of instruments, the strengthening of the regulatory framework and the dialogue between stakeholders to unlock flows for transition projects to a low carbon economy
  • Coordinating actors to build investment platforms aligned with the goals of the Brazilian NDC
  • Strengthening the framework of the rules and policies of responsible financing to expand the climate finance.




2024 July 12 months

Clima de Urgência: Salvaguardas sociais frente a empreendimento fósseis no Ceará | Instituto Verdeluz:

To promote engagement strategies to inform, raise awareness and mobilize public authorities and civil society about the energy transition in Ceará, connecting the local reality with the broader debate in Brazilian society on opportunities to expand renewable energy and reduce energy generation from fossil sources.

2024 April 9 months

Apoio à operacionalização da taskforce de mudança do clima do T20 Brasil | Secretariado do T20:

To support the activities of the taskforce “Sustainable climate action and inclusive just energy transitions” of the T20 engagement group under the Brazilian presidency of the G20, to enable broad participation of national and international think tanks.

2024 April 14 months

Aprimoramento regulatório e conformidade do setor financeiro com metas de descarbonização | Soluções Inclusivas Sustentáveis:

To romote the integration of climate and environmental & social aspects (CSA) in the risk management of institutions operating in the main segments of financial and capital markets, through analyses, recommendations, engagement and training initiatives to accelerate the implementation of existing regulations and the adoption of new rules, such as a taxonomy for green investments.

2024 April 21 months

Ação Climática no Sul Global: promovendo o engajamento social e a diplomacia parlamentar rumo à COP30 | Plataforma Cipó:

Develop research, advocacy and communication activities to strengthen connections between countries in the Global South in Brazilian foreign policy and in multilateral forums chaired by Brazil, on climate issues. The project will strengthen synergies between the G20 and UNFCCC agendas, through exchanges between civil society organizations, in addition to stimulating parliamentary engagement.

2024 February 12 months

ABRAMPA pelo Clima | Ass. Bras. dos Membros do Min.Público de Meio Amb.:

To promote the implementation of legal measures and initiatives that enhance the catalytic role of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in the climate agenda, with emphasis on the following topics: (i) protection of native vegetation; (ii) adaptation for disaster prevention; and (iii) strengthening of environmental licensing as a tool of climate policy.

2024 May 12 months

Fortalecimento da Capacidade Jurídica e Política para a Ação Climática no Brasil | Latin American Climate Lawyers Initiative for Mobilizing Action:

To srengthen the legal and political capacity of the climate ecosystem of Brazilian civil society. The project involves monitoring and translating climate negotiations for Brazilian organizations, creating mechanisms for implementing international commitments at the national elvel, improving existing legislation and structuring the carbon market in Brazil, while promoting climate justice.

2024 March 12 months

Contribuições para a Ação Climática no Brasil | Fund. Getrúlio Vargas - Centro de Estudos em Sustent.:

Support the construction of the new National Mitigation Strategy and its eight sectoral plans through workshops, interviews and discussions with actors from the private and public sectors, civil society and academia. The project will also train, through negotiation simulations, different civil society actors on key topics such as climate finance, agriculture and adaptation.

2024 February 18 months

Apoio aos órgãos do sistema de justiça nas iniciativas de combate ao desmatamento. | Center for Climate Crime Analysis:

To support legal institutions and civil society organizations in developing strategies to tackle illegal deforestation and protect the rights of indigenous peoples and traditional communities in the Legal Amazon. The project aims to generate evidence to support strategic legal actions and counter illegal activities within production chains.

2024 February 24 months

A reemergência do Brasil na agenda climática internacional: T20, G20 e COP30 | Centro Bras. de Relações Internacionais:

To strengthen a network of think tanks to monitor and influence relevant international agendas throughout the Brazilian presidency of the G20, BRICS+ and COP30 in order to contribute to the repositioning of the country and Brazilian society in the international debate on climate change. The main focuses are: governance and multilateralism, climate finance, trade and democracy.

Lab OC
2024 March 24 months

Rede do Observatório do Clima rumo à COP30 | Lab. do Observatório do Clima:

To strengthen the OC and through its network: (i) rebuild and propose new and more ambitious climate policies (ii) engage and stop setbacks in Congress (iii) engage key political and civil society actors (iv) promote a coalition focused on bringing together national and international social movements at COP 30; and (v) influence the international arena – COPs, G-20, anti-deforestation regulations.

2023 August 12 months

V Conferência Brasileira de Mudança do Clima | Inst. Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social:

To support the organization of the Brazilian Conference on Climate Change (CBMC) 2023. The project also supports deliverables resulting from the Conference and that could impact the construction of climate policies in the long term, such as proposals for the construction of a federative climate pact.

2023 August 9 months

Litigância climática no Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos | Instituto Interamericano de Direitos Humanos:

To make a submission to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights addressing the questions related to all the issues listed in the request for an Advisory Opinion made by Colombia and Chile on “Climate Emergency and Human Rights” seeking to influence the standards to be set by the IACHR on this topic.

2023 December 12 months

Monitorando o Impacto Regulatório da nova regulamentação da União Europeia para produtos livres de desmatamento no Brasil | Fund. Getúlio Vargas:

To analyze the impacts and opportunities of the entry into force of the EUDR, which prohibits the import of products linked to deforestation in countries with tropical forests. The project will compare Brazil’s legal framework vis-à-vis the requirements of the EUDR, map conflict resolution mechanisms and ppropose policy recommendations for public and private agents.

2023 May 18 months

Mudanças Climáticas nas Agendas de Política Externa e Cooperação Sul-Sul | Observatório Interdisciplinar das Mudanças Climáticas:

Strengthen the research field in international politics and climate, through the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge on the role of the climate agenda in developing countries (or Global South), in a comparative way, especially in relation to just transition and climate justice.

2023 June 10 months

Preparação da sociedade brasileira para o G20 | Centro Bras. de Relações Internacionais:

Structuring a group of Brazilian organizations for monitoring and advocacy in the G20, particularly on the climate change and environment agendas, in preparation for 2024, the year in which Brazil assumes the group’s presidency.

2023 June 9 months

Fortalecendo a Agenda Rio-92 de clima, biodiversidade e desertificação no G20 | Plataforma Cipó:

Strengthen the engagement of Brazilian civil society and stimulate public debate in the preparation and during the Brazilian presidency of the G20, contributing to greater social participation in the formulation and monitoring of actions and decisions taken by the grouping (and by Brazilian foreign policy), with an emphasis on aspects related to the climate, biodiversity and desertification.

2023 May 4 months

Governadores pelo Clima: Plano de incidência subnacional | Centro Brasil no Clima:

Strengthen the Governadores pelo Clima initiative, contribute to the structuring of the Brasil Verde Consortium and allow the development of a new strategy for CBC in the new political cycle.

2023 December 12 months

Apoio à Frente Parlamentar Mista Ambientalista e seu GT de Mudança do Clima | Frente Parlamentar Ambientalista Nacional:

To strengthen the Mixed Environmentalist Parliamentary Front and its Climate Working Group. This support seeks to build qualified spaces for climate-related debate within the Brazilian Congress and Senate and raise de ambition and quality of climate legislations.

2023 January 12 months

Fortalecendo a atuação do MPF em mudanças climáticas | Ass. Nacional dos Procuradores da República:

Improve and strengthen the work of the Federal Public Ministry in the field of climate change. The project will enable more robust action by federal prosecutors on issues related to climate change, through actions to generate and disseminate knowledge and the establishment of spaces for qualified dialogue.

2023 August 13 months

A Retomada dos BRICS e o fortalecimento do Sul Global na governança climática | BRICS Policy Center - BPC:

Strengthen research and monitoring of climate policies from BRICS countries and their role in international forums.

2023 August 8 months

Inserindo a agenda de clima no C20 no Brasil | Gestos Soropositividade Comunicação e Genero:

Involve Brazilian civil society organizations active in the field of climate and environment in the formal activities of the G20 through the civil society engagement group – the C20.

2023 July 9 months

Agenda Internacional e Grant Ponte | Instituto ClimaInfo:

Improve communication and narrative around the challenges and opportunities for the climate agenda in Brazil in a context of exposure of the country on the international agenda, in particular those related to the G20, the presidency of the Brics and COPs 28 and 29.

2023 June 12 months

Elaboração de estudos sobre responsabilidade civil por danos ambientais-climáticos e manutenção e atualização da Plataforma de litigância climática no Brasil | Direito, Ambiente e Justiça no Antropoceno:

Develop studies, research and debates that will contribute to the development of the doctrine on civil liability for climate damage in Brazil, a key element to improve environmental governance in the country. In addition, the project will allow for the maintenance and continuity of the Climate Litigation Platform in Brazil, a database which monitors climate cases in the country.

2023 January 12 months

Alavancando a Economia Verde no Brasil | Instituto Democracia e Sustentabilidade:

Expand articulation with pro-green economy private sector representatives, strengthen alliances for the implementation of the guidelines for the Development of the Green Economy and incidence on key agendas such as the establishment of the green taxonomy, the Tax Reform, the Brazilian Market for Emissions Reduction and Forestry Concessions among other converging themes to be identified.

2023 November 12 months

Mulheres na vanguarda da transição justa | Instituto Alziras:

Support female mayors of medium and small cities in the development of mitigation and adaptation policies and projects. The project includes the development and distribution of knowledge packages that allow municipalities to develop their own local assessments and policies, a survey of demand for climate finance and support for participation in events.








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