Energy, industrial and transport transition

Energy, industrial and transport transition

Brazil has a large capacity to expand the generation of renewable energy and facilitate the global energy transition based on sources with low greenhouse gas emissions. To enhance this comparative advantage, iCS supports projects and initiatives that encourage different fronts for the transition, such as the increase of renewable energy generation, especially in the Northeast, the transformation of the oil and gas sector and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from cargo transport and the modernization of the industry. Through these three fronts, the aim is to achieve green neo-industrialization in Brazil.

Learn about the three operating fronts of this area below:

Renewable sources in the Northeast Region

iCS works to expand renewable energy parks, focusing on the industrial development and integration of the region into the technological supply chains for the generation of clean energy (solar and wind), thereby generating more economic development with social inclusion for the region.


  • Supporting the attraction of new economic activities based on clean energy (powershoring)
  • Supporting the civil society, federal government and the private sector in the regulatory update of the energy sector and offshore activities, through:
    > Update of the regulation of the electricity sector by grouping the infrastructure services and energy commercialization;

> Regulation of the offshore wind energy through Marine Spatial Planning;
> Generation of qualified public information of the offshore activities in their mutual interference and about coastal ecosystems and populations;
> Creation of a database for the analysis of the license applications for offshore mining.

Transition of fossil fuels

iCS seeks to accelerate the implementation of low carbon projects, identifying and overcoming obstacles in the market of advanced biofuels, and the support for the fair transition in the oil and gas industry.


  • Qualifying and increasing investments in low carbon technology by the oil and gas companies with a focus on the development of advanced biofuels and electrofuels for transport and in the promotion of a connection between biofuels, scope 3 emissions, and forest restoration
  • Qualifying the debate about oil and gas with those directly impacted by the just energy transition
  • Supporting the construction of knowledge about the oil and gas transition for the qualified participation of civil society organizations in the debate of the phase-out of fossil fuels. This involves the production of technical content, positionings, and proposals for a structured transition of the sectors of production and use of fossil fuel, as well as the development of tools to monitor the evolution of the Brazilian energy transition
  • Supporting the implementation of projects to reduce the national diesel consumption, focusing on the prioritization of investments in the Growth Acceleration Plan (PAC), with a special focus on the areas of highway paving and railway construction to maximize diesel savings
  • Promoting the qualified debate about the role of advanced biofuels in the decarbonization of transport (national and international)
  • Contributing to reducing the share of fossil fuels in the electrical generation, promoting the phase-out of coal in the south of Brazil by 2030, favoring local plans for a fair energy transition in the producing regions.

Industry: Public policies, financing, and regulation

The focus of iCS is to promote global decarbonization, through actions such as the mobilization of the global steel ecosystem, the unlocking of investments in powershoring, the development of manufacturing chains, the integration of decarbonization agendas and socioeconomic development, with the generation of employment and income.


  • Consolidating the field of actors from civil society with the capacity to mobilize the global steel ecosystem and international trade in green (low carbon) steel and iron, with Brazil among the main suppliers
  • Promoting dialogues and studies to recommend policies, technologies, and financial mechanisms to unlock investments in powershoring in Brazil, mainly in the Northeast


  • Supporting the construction of a national strategy for the development of the manufacturing chains associated with the minerals that are necessary for the transition and available in Brazil
  • Developing strategies and actions for the integration of the agendas of the decarbonization of industry and socioeconomic development.




2024 May 12 months

Propostas de Implementação da GD em programas de Justiça Social | Frente por uma Nova Política Energética:

Acting for greater dissemination of distributed generation for the benefit of the low-income population at States and Federal level.

2024 January 12 months

Programa Cidades Eficientes | Cons. Brasileiro de Construção Sustentável:

Scale up and promote the Efficient Cities Program nationally, aiming for the reproducibility of projects on public buildings’ energy, water and gas consumption management at Florianópolis and Rio de Janeiro cities. Promote low-carbon public procurement nationally.

2024 January 12 months

SOLar: a Energia sai da Sombra, o nexus do Sol e a segurança energética como drive para justiça climática e a redução das vulnerabilidades em comunidades rurais. | Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável / Universidade de Brasília:

To identify and evaluate the benefits of installing distributed solar generation systems in an agrarian reform settlement, considering the impacts of increased energy security on the community’s water, food and socio-environmental securities. The Nexus+ approach will be used to identify synergies and trade-offs and to base public policy proposals.

2024 April 10 months

Hub de comunicação e campanhas para uma transição energética justa | HUB de Comunicação para Transição Energética:

Create a communication and campaign hub for the just energy transition, focused on preventing the expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure and promoting responsible renewable initiatives. The hub will be built in articulation with other CSOs, using multifaceted strategies such as partnerships with media channels, the development of educational content and public engagement actions.

2024 January 12 months

Monitoramento e fiscalização de politica públicas de qualidade do ar | Instituto Ar:

To leverage the air quality agenda through incidence at the federal level, scale up the “Doctors for Clean Air Campaign”, and produce a report to connect the impacts of the fires in Amazon to human health. Advocacy efforts to accelerate the bus transition in São Paulo using air quality as a driver.

2024 February 12 months

Promovendo a mobilidade urbana para a justiça social e climática nas cidades brasileiras | Instituto de Políticas de Transporte e Desenvolv.:

Promote low carbon urban mobility combined with adaptation to climate change in the municipalities of “Baixada Fluminense” in Rio de Janeiro State. The core activity is to mobilize community leaders, in these municipalities, for them to demand from municipal decision makers proper mobility policites, that combines low carbon technologies, public security and universal access to mobility.

2024 June 18 months

Chamada de Projetos Locais de Desenvolvimento Baseados no Crescimento Acelerado das Renováveis | Fundo Socioambiental CASA:

To support rural and traditional communities in the Northeastern of Brasil to generate local development with renewable energy growth, by the adoption of the Safeguard Protocol developed by CSOs led by Climainfo, in a participatory process.
Participant organization will be selected through a public call for projects. Once selected, participants will receive training sessions on project management.

FGV Clima
2024 June 18 months

Transformação Energética do Brasil: Colaborando com a elaboração do PLANTE | Fund. Getúlio Vargas - Clima:

Support the Brazilian Energy and Mines Ministry, through its National Energy Transition Secretariat, to define, in a participatory process, the National Energy Transition Plan (PLANTE), including the feature of Technical Papers – Power Sector, Industry, Oil&Gas, Transport, Minerals – for public consultation, consistency within federal government, final round with expert panels and final editing.

2024 July 18 months

Nordeste Potência e Contribuições à COP30 | Instituto ClimaInfo:

Consolidation of Nordeste Potência, particularly in the adoption of the Safeguards Protocol for wind and photovoltaic solar projects, to make them examples of fair and inclusive energy transition, as well as in the promotion of powershoring as a contribution of decarbonization to the economic growth with poverty and inequality reduction.

2024 June 18 months

Modernização do Setor Energético Brasileiro e re-industrialização descarbonizada | Instituto Internacional Arayara de Educação e Cultura:

To design, implement and release a georeferenced Energy Platform containing physical and financial available data of energy sources and reserves, in use or not; projects at different stages with its associated climate impact; installations in operation; communities potentially or already impacted; protected lands and other relevante information.

2024 June 24 months

Caminhos para a COP30: Descarbonização, Biocombustíveis, Renovabilidade e Modernização Industrial | Instituto E+ Transição Energética:

Integrate the interdependent energy, industrial and transport (biofuels) transition agendas, seeking greater robustness and convergence in the policies and programs envisioned by the Brazilian government and private entities for COP30.

2023 August 7 months

Emissões fugitivas de fluidos refrigerantes no Brasil: desenvolvimento de metodologias e contribuições para a política de mitigação | Univ. Fed. do ABC:

To develop a methodology for estimating fugitive emissions of air conditioning refrigerants in Brazil. The main planned activities are: 1- development of methodology and analysis of scenarios; 2 – meetings and exchanges with relevant actors aimed at disseminating and validating the developed scenarios; 3 – provision of a computational tool for simulating scenarios.

2023 April 6 months

Apoio à realização do Encontro Estadual de Lideranças do Pará | Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens:

To support a Meeting of Leaders of communities affected by dams in Pará, with the aim of: a) promoting the exchange of experiences; b) formulate an agenda of claims and present it to the public authorities; c) deepen the debate on the consequences of climate change and dialogue with society on the importance of preserving and defending the Amazon, Build capacity to participate in the future COP30.

2023 April 3 months

Apoio às manifestações de comunidades contra os impactos de parques eólicos e solares | ActionAid Brasil:

Support the organization of the Borborema´s Women Marching in Defense of Agroecology and Just Energy Transition, in Paraíba state.

2023 February 11 months

Fortalecimento institucional para discussão de transição energética justa, popular e inclusiva. | Frente por uma Nova Política Energética:

Strengthening of local actors related to grassroots movements in the Northeast region to participate in the discussion about just energy transition

2023 October 12 months

Mobilidade sustentável nas cidades brasileiras: monitoramento nacional da eletromobilidade | Lab. de Mobilidade (PROURB-UFRJ):

To maintain and expand the network of the Ebus Radar guarantee updated numbers en strengthen the communication strategy. The EBUSRADAR is a initiative coordinated by LABMOB/UFRJ in partnership with C40 and ICCT.

2023 April 6 months

Programas de Geração Distribuida para Justiça Social | Instituto de Estudos Socioeconômicos:

Support the production of knowledge and communication materials on mini and micro distributed generation, with a focus on rural agrarian reform settlements and quilombola communities in the Northeast and Semiarid regions. The project will also promote dialogue between key actors from civil society and government, including BNDES, on Social Distributed Generation.

2023 December 10 months

A Economia Circular como alavanca para a descarbonização da siderurgia e da mineração | Instituto Brasileiro de Economia Circular:

Contribute for a national circularity strategy integrated into the decarbonization and just transition agenda of Brazilian industry, focusing on the steel and mining chains, through an unprecedented study on circularity strategies in industrial decarbonization plans, and possibilities for adoption in the Brazil from the engagement and perception of key actors from the sector.

2023 April 4 months

Apoio à realização do II Encontro da Rede Energia e Comunidades | Instituto Socioambiental:

Support the II Energy and Communities Network Meeting, an event that
seeks to broaden the debate on energy planning and policies for access to renewable energy for remote communities in the Legal Amazon. The event will bring together around three hundred representatives of traditional communities in the region, in addition to government, regulators and energy distributors representatives.

2023 June 11 months

Nordeste Potência (NP)- Ano 2 | Grupo Ambientalista da Bahia - Gambá:

To support the ellaboration of a safeguard protocol, protecting local communities against the impacts from wind and solar PV farms.
To support a national plan of distributed generation for vulnerable communities.
To support local communities in their efforts to recover springs and riparian vegetation at the Sao Francisco river basin.

2023 July 12 months

Acordos de Cooperação Econômica para a Reindustrialização Verde - Construção de Capacidade junto à Sociedade Civil | Rede Brasileira pela Integração dos Povos:

Understand how trade agreements would impact Brazilian industry recovery and just climate transition based on cases from LAC and Asia, with the production of knowledge and content, civil society engagement, political incidence on EU-Mercosur agreement, and outreach. The aim: inform on free trade agreements as obstacles to inclusive growth w/ low-carbon industrial development in emerging economies.

2023 November 12 months

Transição Energética Justa - Geração Distribuída de Interesse Social | Revolusolar:

To propose and articulate for the creation and improvement of public policies and business models for Distributed Generation of Social Interest (DGSI) in Brazil. The project includes the articulation of proposals to be discussed at the G20 and COP30, and a mobilization campaign for the expansion of DGSI in the country, involving civil society, the private and public sectors.

2023 August 8 months

Políticas Subnacionais para Transição Energética Justa | ActionAid Brasil:

To support vulnerable communities impacted by renewable energy projects, enforcing the already existing legal frameworks (WLO169). Enhance local governance bodies in the renewable energy expansion, protecting vulnerable communities and ecosystems.

2023 August 12 months

Transição Justa e Trabalho no Carvão da Região Sul do Brasil | Dept. Intersindical de Estatística e Estudos Socioec.:

To support a just energy transition from coal in the Rio Grande do Sul State.

2023 January 7 months

Tarifa Progressiva e Descarbonização no Setor Elétrico | Instituto Polis:

To evidence the urgency of the power sector reform, for a just and fair pricing for the electricity grid access, showing that currently low-income regions are badly seviced by the grid and, despite been less costly to be conected to the grid, are billed with the same tariff used for high income regions with high quality grid services.








The energy that comes from the favela

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