Ana Beatriz Fandinho


Ana Beatriz Fandinho

Purchases and Contracts Coordinator

Ana Beatriz has a degree in International Relations from Ibmec – RJ (2011), a master’s degree in International Business Administration from Newcastle University, in the United Kingdom (2014), and a postgraduate degree in Financial Management from FGV –RJ (2020). She has worked as a contracting assistant for goods and services at Petrobras, as a visiting translator at Fiocruz, and as an English teacher. In 2017, Ana Beatriz began working at iCS in the Department of Operations and Finance and she has worked in several sub-departments, such as accounts payable, treasury, accounting for funders, events, contracting of goods and services, and the management and implementation of systems, among others. Since 2022, she has been one of the coordinators of the department, focusing her work on the area of​​purchases and contracts in 2023.
