Eduardo Cury


Eduardo Cury

Land Use and Sustainable Agriculture Specialist

Eduardo is an economist, with a degree from the University of São Paulo and a master’s degree in economics from the Center for Regional Development and Planning at UFMG. He was a member of the Center for Studies and Research in International Policy, International Studies and Comparative Politics at USP, where he developed studies in economic development, demography and public policies, working on projects from FIPE, CEBRAP/IDRC and DATAUnB. He entered the financial world through microfinance, participating in the first evaluation of the National Program for Productive and Guided Microcredit (PNMPO). He subsequently worked at ANBIMA, representing institutions from the financial and capital markets with respect to subject areas linked to regulation, sustainability and innovation. Since 2023, he has been a consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in the Financial Innovation Laboratory project (ABDE/IDB/CVM), coordinating initiatives for the Green Finance Working Group, especially dedicated to carbon markets, financing for sustainable infrastructure and agriculture and sustainable land use. At iCS , he will work as a Specialist in Land Use and Sustainable Agriculture.
