Ivina Suzuki


Ivina Suzuki

Specialist in Energy

Ivina is a lawyer with a master’s degree in Economic Law and Regulation from the Cândido Mendes University (Ucam -RJ). She has MBAs in Business and Environmental Management, executive training in Modern Economics from the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and is certified in the international program of Public-Private Partnerships by APMG. Since 2011, she has worked in large private companies, occupying strategic positions linked to regulatory, institutional and legal matters. In the segment of the infrastructure of commodities, she dealt with the government, coordinated strategic agendas of concessions and extensions, implemented regulatory and fiscal opportunities, approved plans for expansion and urban mobility and structured a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) for cross-investment. She was a member of a sectoral association, contributing with the advocacy of the regulations, the modernization of laws and the transition between the regulatory frameworks. In the energy sector, she was responsible for conducting the regulatory, legal and tax modeling for distributed generation projects and supporting ESG projects.
