João Pedro Cavalcanti


João Pedro Cavalcanti

Partnership Analyst

João Pedro Cavalcanti has a degree in Foreign Languages Applied to International Negotiations, with an emphasis on entrepreneurship and social innovation, from the Celso Suckow da Fonseca Federal Center for Technological Education (CEFET/RJ). In addition to iCS, João has contributed to civil society by territorializing concepts such as climate justice and the international agendas of climate mitigation, adaptation and transition in vulnerable territories and communities of the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro. In the third sector, he has experience with the evaluation and monitoring of processes of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), the preparation of impact reports, the facilitation of collaborative methodologies and processes of social innovation, the management of projects and small businesses, and political advocacy. At iCS, he is part of the team of Partnerships and Relationships with Grantees.
