Leonildes Nazar


Leonildes Nazar

Specialist in Engagement and Cities

Leonildes is a political scientist and internationalist, educator and specialist in advocacy and mobilization strategies for public policies, especially in the agendas of climate change and human rights; socioenvironmental justice, ecological transitions and development(s); climate change and democracy; and foreign policy and international cooperation. She has a PhD for her research in International Relations and Comparative Politics at the Institute of Political and Social Studies , at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Iesp -UERJ). She is dedicated to scientific research and production, as well as political and technical consultancy on projects of territorial impact and socioenvironmental interest with Brazilian civil society organizations. She was a visiting researcher at the Center for Latin American Studies, at the University of California, Berkeley. She has collaborated on several initiatives, such as the academic circuit “Climate Change and Black Territories” held in 2021 by the Brazilian Association of Black Researchers (ABPN), and the GLOBUS project “Exploring different paths to climate justice” coordinated by the Center for European Studies, at the University of Oslo. As a researcher, she belongs to the Interdisciplinary Observatory on Climate Change (OIMC) and the World Political Analysis Laboratory (Labmundo).
