Sarah Irffi


Sarah Irffi

Specialist in Climate Economy

Sarah has a degree in International Relations from PUC-Minas, a master’s degree in Natural Resources and Environmental Economics from the Universidad de Concepción/ Chile, and a postgraduate degree in Environmental Project Management (PUC-Minas) and in the Formulation and Evaluation of Social Projects from UFMG. She was a coordinator of the National Program for the Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (PNR-GEE) in the National Policy Program on Climate Change – PoMuC and the Program for the Reduction of GHG Emissions (PREGEE) of the City Hall of Belo Horizonte. She has more than 10 years of experience working in the management, preparation and execution of important projects in the area of ​​climate change for the public and private sectors in Brazil. Furthermore, she has acted as a senior consultant on public policies for the climate for several international organizations, contributing to the development of studies and policies for the largest Brazilian cities. Sarah worked an impact evaluator of cooperation projects financed by multilateral organizations and in the private sector, proposing strategies, plans and actions to confront climate challenges for the different economic sectors. At iCS, she will work as a Specialist in Climate Economy.
