Thais Ferraz


Thais Ferraz

Programmatic Director

Thais has worked for over 15 years in sustainability management and has experience in the private sector and philanthropy. She was executive co-director of the Arapyaú Institute, which is a Brazilian foundation focused on sustainable development. While working at the institute, she developed, together with several partners, the first blended finance instrument for the bioeconomy in Brazil. She previously worked at Natura, where she began her career as a trainee and was involved in innovation, socioenvironmental management and bioeconomy.

She has a degree in biological sciences from Unicamp, with an emphasis on sustainable agriculture from the University of Nebraska. She specialized in socioenvironmental management at FIAUSP, with a certification in project management from PMI and executive training in adaptive leadership from the Harvard Kennedy School. She is a volunteer advisor at IAMAP – the Institute of Support to MapBiomas and the Tabôa Community Foundation. She also works as a teacher of sustainability for MBA courses. At iCS she is the director of the programmatic area.
