Governance and Policies

iCS is a non-profit civil association and values ​​good practices of corporate governance, acting with social, environmental, and economic responsibility. The administration of the Institute follows the guidelines and legal provisions described in its Articles of Incorporation and is composed of three main bodies – General Meeting, Decision-Making Council, and Audit Committee. iCS also has specific technical committees that support and guide the quality of the projects and operational guidelines.

In 2023, iCS adopted a new Code of Conduct, created an Ethics Committee, revised its Articles of Incorporation and launched a process to review its Bylaws.


General Meeting

This is the highest body of governance and meets ordinarily once a year and, extraordinarily, whenever necessary. It is responsible for the election of the members of the Decision-Making Council and of the Audit Committee.


Decision-Making Council

Composed of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 11 members, its members have a term of office of 3 years and the possibility of re-election.

It is responsible for the guidelines and goals established in the strategic planning of iCS. Its roles include electing the members of the Audit Committee, the admission and removal of the Executive Board of the Institute, the analysis and approval of the financial statements, specific grants, and annual reports of iCS.



Audit Committee

Composed of 3 members with a term of office of 3 years. It is responsible for supervising the administration of iCS, proposing measures that contribute to its financial balance, aiming at the efficiency, transparency and quality in the achievement of its social objectives.

Programmatic Committee

Composed of up to six experts with a specific knowledge of the operational areas of the Institute, it is one of the bodies with responsibility for the approval of grants, depending on the amount, the discussion of the continuous improvement in the management of the projects and the identification of strategic topics to be taken to the Decision-Making Council.  


Ethics and Conduct Committee

Composed of up to 5 members, it ensures the ethical conduct of the employees and partners of iCS, guaranteeing the compliance with the guidelines contained in the Code of Conduct.  

Executive Committee

Composed of the president and vice-president of the Decision-Making Council, it is responsible for the alignment between the executive decisions and the guidelines of the Decision-Making Council.  

Sounding Board

Composed of 15 external experts with the task of creating explanatory panels about topics that are important to the programmatic operation. The objective is to internalize new perspectives on the topics, expanding the scope of the work plans of iCS.  

Audit Reports

Audit Reports

Annual Reports

Guiding Policies and Documents

Code of Conduct iCS Download PDF
iCS Statute Download PDF
Child Warranty and Protection Policy Download PDF
Internal Regulations Download PDF