How to Request a Grant

In order to provide a greater Brazilian participation in the face of the challenges of the climate issue, the Institute acts proactively and strategically in the search for projects or in the joint creation with interested organizations.

This allows for the complementarity and diversity of actions that guarantee more effective responses to the urgency of the present times. iCS supports projects in all the regions of the country, from the local and subnational levels to the national and global areas.

Respecting the autonomy of the supported institutions, iCS encourages its grantees so that the work of each one combines with the efforts of the others, helping them to achieve much more significant outcomes collectively.


It is also essential for us to have evidence of what we are achieving through our support, as well as for the accountability to the funders of the Institute.

The set of grants is evaluated deductively and inductively. We collect a wide range of effects that bring us closer to our mission and vision, and we also notice gaps and points that require improvements.

Furthermore, each grant is analyzed separately. During the submission of the proposal, we agree with the future grantee about which indicators will be used to evaluate its project, including the outcome indicators, and we evaluate the general ability of the grantee to respond to new demands and changes of context during the execution of the project.

The main deliverables produced by iCS and by the grantees, as well as the main outcomes achieved with our contribution, are disclosed in our annual reports, website, newsletter, and social networks.