Inspirational Stories

The energy that comes from the favela

According to a popular saying, unity is strength, and practice corroborates this by showing that unity also generates energy. This is the reality of the Sustainable Favela Network (RFS), which is an organization that works for climate justice and seeks solutions in the favelas for the favelas.


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An entire country to maintain the standing Amazon

People can save a forest. And it is their responsibility to save the forest that stores 49 billion tons of carbon* and influences the climate of the entire planet. These are the certainties of the Amazônia de Pé [Standing Amazon], which is a mobilization that takes place in the five regions of Brazil in order to protect the Amazonian biodiversity, populations, cultures and ancestries.

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The calculator that shows how much each tree is worth

In February 2023, Judge Mara Elisa Andrade, head of the Seventh Federal Environmental and Agrarian Court of Amazonas, rejected the request made by farmer Dauro Parreira de Rezende, a defendant in a deforestation case, who asked that the amount of the fine imposed on him be recalculated. Accused of illegally deforesting 2,400 hectares in an agro-extractive settlement project in the south of the state, he was fined R$ 63.5 million.

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The climate that affects farming and the farming that saves the climate

What do the countryside and the city have in common? Neither will survive the effects of climate change unscathed, and both need to rethink the impacts they cause on the environment. It was with this provocation that iCS established a partnership with the National Confederation of Rural Workers and Family Farmers (Contag), which brings together more than 4,000 unions in all the federative units and works to guarantee and expand the rights of 15 million rural workers.

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