Observatory for the public forests


Observatory for the public forests

The objective of the initiative is to allow civil society to monitor the protection of the public forests of the Amazon

The forests of the Amazon can now be monitored by the Public Forest Observatory, which is a civil society platform that aims to cover the protection of the green areas of the region. The platform was launched by the Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) and Amazônia de Pé during a public hearing at the Chamber of Deputies, in Brasília, on June 6.

The Observatory provides updated data about the allocation policy of public forests. With 56.5 million hectares, the Unallocated Public Forests of the Amazon are one of greatest natural heritages of Brazil.

To find out more about this initiative, access the website.

Amazon Environmental Research Institute and Amazônia de Pé launch the Public Forest Observatory. Photo: Website/ Public Forest Observatory

