Organizations from Latin America and the Caribbean discuss the paths to COP30


Organizations from Latin America and the Caribbean discuss the paths to COP30

With the support of iCS, the event brought together representatives from more than 20 organizations in Mexico City

Held annually, this year’s Latin American Civil Society Climate Organizations Retreat took place from August 19 to 21 in Mexico City. Representatives from more than 20 organizations from across Latin America and the Caribbean gathered to discuss the challenges and joint actions ahead of COP30, which will be held in Brazil in 2025, as well as COP16, of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and COP29 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in Baku, in November of this year. iCS grantees such as the Climate Observatory, the Talanoa Institute, the CIPÓ Platform and CDP, and the Institute itself, represented by Cintya Feitosa, attended the event.

“It was possible to identify points of convergence in the visions and strategies of the organizations for topics of utmost importance for the region, such as, for example, the new global goal of climate financing that must be agreed in Baku; the progress of the preparation of NDCs (Nationally Determined Contributions) in several countries; and the common points between the negotiations about biodiversity and climate change,” said Cintya.

During the event, round tables, exhibitions and plenary sessions helped in the discussion of the current climate policy and in the development of collective strategies aimed at a structured action plan for COP30. Topics such as the Just Energy Transition, the international geopolitical panorama and the climate emergency were also addressed.

The event had the support of iCS, together with GFLAC, the Climate Financing Group for Latin America and the Caribbean, and was organized by Transforma, the Climate Initiative of Mexico and the Avina Foundation.

The event was held in Mexico City, with support from iCS. Credit: Disclosure/iCS
