


The urgency and complexity of tackling climate change requires a combination of different strategies, approaches and joint efforts from the different stakeholders, a pluralistic and diverse network that contributes with innovative solutions to pave the path towards a zero-carbon economy with sustainable development.



iCS is a Brazilian philanthropic institution that is part of the family of the so-called Regional Climate Foundations (RCFs). These are national and international organizations that mobilize resources especially from different sources, but not exclusively, jointly with philanthropy, in order to accelerate the climate action through grantmaking actions. iCS does not have an endowment fund or a sponsor, but it has received grants from more than 40 institutions throughout its history.


Institutional Suppport


Projects Support


Grantee Profile

Civil society organizations, Think Tanks, Academia, Activists, Observatories, Companies and Private associations.





iCS values ​​the exchange of experiences in a network and believes in the power of philanthropy as a practice to support projects of public interest and the strengthening of democracy and Brazilian and global civil society. We are a member of the Group of Institutes, Foundations and Companies (GIFE), of the Comuá Network – Philanthropy that Transforms, and WINGS. We are also part of philanthropy collectives such as Forest People & Climate, the Alfie network, FFOG and several other sectoral collectives. In 2021, iCS adhered to the international commitment to philanthropy for climate change – #PhilanthropyForClimate – and supports the Brazilian commitment to philanthropy regarding climate change, led by GIFE.

Exchange with philanthropy