Projects and Partnerships

In partnership with the German Embassy in Brasília, iCS has organized 24 events entitled “Dialogues about a Sustainable Future” since 2017. With topics related to the future of Brazil, the meetings have involved politicians, public servants, companies, universities, civil society organizations and other stakeholders with an inclusive perspective, in order to contribute to the achievement of the global goals related to the climate. The last meeting took place in 2023 to promote the dialogue between political actors from Brazil, Germany and other countries about the preparation for COP 30.

Meet the Project

A space created in 2019 to provide visibility to Brazilian climate actions at COP 25. For three editions of the Climate Conference, it was the location for debates and the participation of Brazilian civil society at these events. The coordination of the Brazil Climate Action Hub was co-organized by iCS, the Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) and the ClimaInfo Institute.

Meet the Project

Formed by several partner organizations of iCS, the Kigali Network promotes energy efficiency as a benefit for society. Created by iCS with support from the International Energy Initiative (IEI Brazil), the Brazilian Institute for Consumer Protection (Idec), the Healthy Hospitals Project ​​(PHS) and CLASP, which is a global organization focused on improving the energy efficiency of appliances and equipment, the Kigali Network has been operating since 2019.

Meet the Project

An initiative that promotes discussions, coordinations and solutions for the country to achieve sustainable development through an inclusive and low carbon economy by 2050. Created by iCS, the Talanoa Institute and the Center for Integrated Studies on the Environment and Climate Change (Centro Clima – COPPE/UFRJ), it is composed of more than 300 representatives from civil society, academia and the private and public sectors.

Meet the Project