Results Panel


Advances in the climate field since 2020.

The “Results Panel” provides a broad view of the main advances in the climate field and their relationship with the strategy of iCS, thereby facilitating our processes of decision-making and learning.

In this page, you can access information and the profile of the outcomes identified since 2020.
Use the filters available at the top of the panel in order to personalize your view.

The identification of the outcomes occurs continuously. The evidence is collected from news, speeches from strategic actors, reports from grantees, and secondary data sources, among others. Based on this information, the iCS team categorizes the result based on a series of aspects that are relevant to the understanding of the impact.

Our evaluation system is based on two methodologies: (1) Outcome Harvesting and (2) Strategic Indicators. Each perspective provides a unique and complementary view regarding the impact of our actions.