
Climate change is already a reality.

Given this scenario, the iCS works effectively towards a new development model that is more inclusive, sustainable and with climate resilience, based on the decarbonization of the economy and the protection of the biomes of the country, one of the world’s main green heritages. The initiatives also aim to pay special attention to local development that guarantees more employment, income, and quality of life for the Brazilian population.

There are many challenges. The main source of Brazilian emissions is deforestation. Next, there are agricultural and livestock activities and the energy sector. Despite this situation, Brazil has an enormous potential of playing a leading role in the advancement of the climate agenda and to serve as an example as an exporter of sustainable solutions, products, and services, thereby guaranteeing socioeconomic development, with more competitiveness, greater added value
and social justice.

iCS works in four strategic axes that operate transversally to enhance and scale the results of the projects that are supported by the partners, from different areas, which allow it to focus, with a pluralistic vision, on the different sectors of society.

The sectoral axes, “Energy, industrial, and transport transition” and “Land use transition, food systems, and bioeconomics” complement the fundamental actions of the axes of “Climate policy and institutional framework” and “Agents of change for climate action.” Read about the work plans for each one of them below.