Outcomes Panel
Advances in the climate field since 2020.
The “Panel of Outcomes” provides a broad view of the main advances in the climate field that have received some contribution from iCS and/or projects of grantees supported by iCS. The Panel shows the relationship between these advances and the strategy of iCS, allowing us to have clarity and evidence of what we are or we are not contributing to achieving our mission and vision. This knowledge supports our process of decision-making and learning.
Below, you can access information and the profile of the outcomes identified since 2020. To customize your view, use the year filter at the top of the panel or click on the outcome or tool to filter by what was clicked. When you want to see all the outcomes or tools, refresh the page.
The identification of the outcomes occurs continuously. The evidence is collected from news reports, speeches from strategic actors, reports from grantees, and secondary data sources, among others. Based on this information, the iCS team categorizes the outcome based on a series of aspects that are relevant to the understanding of the advance. For each outcome, the evaluation team from iCS needs to clearly identify what change occurred, why it is relevant, and how we can be certain that we contributed to this change. This work is inspired by the methodology of Outcome Harvesting.
Furthermore, our evaluation system also works with Strategic Indicators, establishing annual goals and verifying to what extent these were or were not achieved.
Each one of these perspectives provides a unique and complementary view regarding the impact of our actions.