[iCS at COP29] Recepção no Pavilhão Regional Climate Foundations
Organizers: Institute for Climate and Society, Iniciativa Climática de México, The African Climate Foundation, Energy Foundation, European Cliamte Foundation, Tara Climate Foundation, Shaki Sustainable Energy Foundation and Viriya ENB.
[iCS at COP29] Country platforms: Strategies and opportunities for driving climate action and promoting sustainable development
Organizadores: Institute for Climate and Society and Brazilin Ministry of Finance.
[iCS at COP29] O papel do setor de seguros na transição climática: de Baku a Belém
Organizers: Confederação Nacional da Indústria (CNI)
[iCS at COP29] Women Leading on Climate in the G20: From Brazil to South Africa
Organizers: Instituto for Climate and Society and GSCC.
[iCS at COP29] Rowing In the Same Direction: How Can Country Platforms Drive Policy Coherence for Climate and Nature
OrganizeRs: Global Environment Facility (GEF)
[iCS at COP29] Global Leaders Panel – Harnessing Biodiversity for Resilience and Net-Zero Sucess
Organizers: Climate Action
Organizers: Spanish Government and Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico
[iCS at COP29] Delivering on Volume and Impact for Climate Finance and Investment to Support 1.5°C Aligned NDCs
Organizers: Instituto for Climate and Society, CEBRI, I4CE, Carbon Tracker Initiative and WBA
[iCS at COP29] Subnational governments’ leadership in driving climate action on the road to COP30
Organizers: Instituto Clima e Sociedade e European Climate Foundation
[iCS at COP29] Nature-based Solutions for Building Resilient Infrastructure in the Global South: Role of Policy, Finance and Technology
Organizers: WRI India, CDRI and CEEW.
[iCS at COP29] Financing Green Futures: Strategies for Restoring Degraded Pastures in Brazil
Organizers: Institute for Climate & Society
G20 Summit
Reunião entre os chefes de estado ou de governo dos países membros.
[iCS at Cop29] Três presidências, uma missão: Como a troika pode ajudar a garantir a ambição de 1,5
Organizers: Instituto for Climate and Society, Observatório do Clima and WWF
COP, que significa Conferência das Partes, é a série de reuniões formais em que os governos avaliam os esforços globais para avançar o Acordo de Paris e a Convenção, além de limitar o aquecimento global a 1,5°C. Nas COPs, os líderes mundiais se reúnem para medir o progresso e negociar as melhores maneiras de lidar com as mudanças climáticas.