Green Finance and Sustainable Agriculture is the topic of debate between Brazil and China


Green Finance and Sustainable Agriculture is the topic of debate between Brazil and China

An event co-organized by iCS marks 50 years of diplomacy between the countries

In partnership with the Brazil-China Business Council (CEBC) and the Institute of Finance and Sustainability (IFS), iCS held the “4th Brazil-China Dialogue about Green Finance and Cooperation in Sustainable Agriculture” on September 9, in São Paulo (SP). The event emphasized the importance of the collaboration between the two countries to address the challenges related to climate change and agriculture and livestock and highlighted the work of iCS in the area of restoration.

The Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Carlos Fávaro, emphasized the opportunity to strengthen the commercial ties through the exchange of technology and cultural initiatives, in addition to the mutual commitment to sustainable practices and environmental development.

During the event, representatives from agribusiness and financial institutions from both the countries met to discuss innovative partnerships and cooperation in green finance. Lizane Ferreira, the deputy secretary for Innovation, Rural Development and Irrigation (SDI) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, presented the policies and programs that aim to strengthen the sustainable trade, such as the National Program for the Conversion of Degraded Pastures, which seeks to revitalize 40 million hectares in Brazil. She also shared the work in collaboration with iCS in the carrying out of nine workshops in nine states, which were focused on pasture recovery, highlighting the importance of this initiative for the promotion of sustainable agricultural practices.
At the end of the meeting, it was agreed to form a Brazil-China working group to promote economically viable projects in sustainable agriculture, reinforcing the commitment of both the countries to innovative solutions and environmental protection.


Credit: Disclosure/CEBC
